I sighed and stroked her cheek. “I really, really did.”

“That was fun!” she said. “Usually I’m roleplaying by myself for the camera.”

“I’ve never had a massage with a happy ending before. Although one time I had a close call.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

“I went to a new place for a massage,” I explained. “Maria’s Massage, I think it was called. Small office in a strip mall. One-woman shop, and cheaper than most other options. I go inside and fill out all the paperwork, then I went into the back room and undressed.”

“Like, down to your underwear?” she asked.

I shook my head. “Full nude. I’ve always done that for a massage. Don’t you?”

“I’ve never gotten a massage,” she revealed. “I never had the money.”

“It’s worth it,” I said. “Happy ending, or otherwise.”

“So what happened next?”

“Well, Maria comes into the room and begins the massage. And five minutes into it, she gets a phone call. She apologized and quickly explained that she had to take it because it’s a call she’s been waiting to get for a week. So she’s massaging me while on the phone with an insurance company, arguing about water damage to her house. After a few minutes, she hangs up. And she apologized again, explaining that she had been dealing with them formonthsto repair damage to her house, and they were finally doing it. I told her it was fine, I didn’t mind at all. And then she leans down close to me and says,I’ll make it up to you. I’ll give you a very good massage.”

“She said it just like that?” Ginny asked.

“Mmm hmm. All sexy like. I will give you averygood massage. And then I wonder if she means… you know.Thatkind of massage.”

“I would have thought the same thing!”

“So I spent the entire ninety minute massage wondering if she was going to try that at the end. I was unable to relax the entire time, because I was freaking out about it. Maria mentioned that I was tense, and I was like,no shit I’m tense.”

“So what happened?”

“She did exactly what she promised. She gave me a really good massage. And that’s it.”

Ginny shook her head. “Did you give her a big tip?”

“Yeah,” I grinned, “but I wanted to give her the whole thing.”

Ginny busted out laughing, leaning against me while she did so. Her hair—the fake hair—tickled against my chest as she did so.

“To be clear, I didn’t want a happy ending,” I added. “I just wanted a normal massage because my back was sore. I’ve been going back once a month since then.”

“Really?” she asked skeptically. “You do sex work for a living, and you’re turning your nose up at happy ending massages?”

“No judgment here,” I said. “If other people want that, hey, go nuts. I just didn’t want it for myself. I like it when roles and relationships are clearly defined. But that vague wondering if she intended something… that makes me uncomfortable.”

She nodded thoughtfully. “I can understand that. Like our relationship.”

“Exactly,” I said, ignoring that I had been thinking about Ginny all week. And that I had met her parents tonight and posed as her boyfriend. “Our relationship is very clear. No ambiguity.”

“Speaking of our relationship, you said you have some ideas for new videos for my channel,” she said. “What have you come up with?”

“There’s some stuff I want to try tonight. Using your toys on you while we have sex.”

“Ohh. I like that. What else?”

“Well…” I hesitated. “There’s one niche thing a lot of guys like.” She kept staring at me, waiting for me to say it, so I did. “Butt stuff.”

In my somewhat limited experience, there were three ways women reacted to this kind of proposition. The first kind of woman immediately shut down the idea, insisting that nothing was going upthere. Which was a totally normal response. The second kind of woman was hesitant about it, but curious. The third kind was enthusiastic as could be.