Ginny scoffed loudly. “Trust me: I am not a prude. If anything, I’m theoppositeof a prude.”

August sat up on the loveseat and grinned. “I like what I’m hearing. What’s the opposite of a prude? Are you secretly a stripper?”

She laughed nervously. “Nah, nothing like that.”

Interesting. I wonder what she means by that.

Before I could ask her more, she turned toward me on the couch. “I did really enjoy our kiss. Even if it was accidental.”

Both of them had been very free with the information they were sharing, so I decided to do the same. “That kiss is all I’ve been thinking about all week.”

Ginny’s lip twitched in the ghost of a smile. “Oh?”

I nodded slowly. “Yeah. Wondering if it was a mistake. Fearing that it would make things weird. And I wondered if you actually enjoyed it.”

She lightly touched my arm. “I’ve been thinking about it, too.”

“Oh my God, just kiss already!” August complained. “We’ve already established that you both liked it. So you should do it again. While I watch.”

I put the bag of popcorn to the side and began to think about it. Were we all moving too fast? I wasn’t tipsy from the wine, but that didn’t mean—

Ginny leaned forward, grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me into a hurried kiss. I lowered my lips into hers and kissed her back, allowing the magic of the connection to overwhelm me. She let out a moan of delight as I laced my fingers into her soft hair and gently squeezed.

She pulled away and stared at me. Her eyes were full and hopeful. Green lights all the way. And the way I felt right now? I didn’t want us to stop.

“Is this a conflict of interest?” she asked. “The office…”

“Allison is your direct boss,” August said pointedly.

“Neither of us are in your chain of command,” I breathed.

“But you’re still the CFO,” she said to him. The way she turned her head revealed her neck and shoulder, which I desperately wanted to kiss. “That has to mean something, right?”

“Who gives a shit?” August said bluntly. “We’re all consenting adults here. If we want to do something, we should do it. And if any of usdoesn’twant to, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

We all looked at each other. Nobody spoke.

“There you go. Mikey, I don’t know how you’re holding back right now, but hurry up and kiss her already.”

This time I was the one to grab Ginny by the back of the neck and pull her in. Our lips connected magnetically. With rapidly increasing desire we churned against each other, forehead to forehead, cheek to cheek as we maneuvered for position. I could feel her inhibitions melting away, and mine disappeared along with them.

This feels so right.

Ginny threw a leg over me and sat in my lap. I broke the kiss to groan as her ass ground against my crotch, pushing herself into me with need. There was a fire in her eyes now that I hadn’t seen before; it was like she had flipped a switch and was a different Ginny than the one we had seen.

Opposite of prudish indeed.

I walked my fingers up her thighs and around her back, then cast subterfuge aside and grabbed her ass with both hands. It was plump and round and soft, so incredibly soft in my fingers. She exhaled a moan as she nibbled at my earlobe, and I took the opportunity to kiss the shoulder bone that I had been eying for more than just tonight. Her moans grew louder, a symphony for my ears.

“Are you enjoying watching?” she turned to ask.

“Very much. Five stars. Two thumbs up. If this were a YouTube channel, I would have liked and subscribed.”

It was a little weird doing this while August watched hungrily from the loveseat a few feet away. But I quickly forgot all about him. It was impossible to focus on anything other than the gorgeous redhead in my lap.

And then she was climbing off me and slipping out of her clothes. The way she shimmied out of her sweatpants sent a ripple of excitement through my cock—especially when I saw she was wearing a pink thong. She did a little turn so both of us could see all of her; the thong was swallowed completely by her perfectly round ass.

She reminds me of ThiccGinger.