“That still sucks,” she agreed.

“What about you? What made your day so bad?”

“My boss snapped at me,” she said. “It was really minor. Hardly worth mentioning. But I’m new there, so it stung more than it should. The place where I work is—”

“Hold on,” I interrupted. “It’s probably best if you don’t give me any specifics. So I don’t know what you do in the real world. Easier that way, you know?”

“You can give me a tsunami of an orgasm, but you can’t hear the name of the place I work. That totally makes sense.”

I laughed with her and said, “Trust me. Specifics just make things more complicated.”

“Yeah, okay.”

I felt her withdraw from me a little, and I hated it. I wanted to listen to Ginny talk about her job, and the problems, and all the specifics. I wanted to know more about her life. But itwasa bad idea to get too entangled with someone like this.

“It was dumb, but my boss made a comment that made me feel bad,” she explained. “The guy isn’t even technically my boss. But he’s high up. Enough that it stung. That was yesterday, and today he seemed more standoffish than normal. So of course, I got all in my head about it.”

“You didn’t let any of that show,” I said, stroking her hair back from her face. “You’re a true professional.”

“Thanks.” She sighed heavily. “That’s not the only thing.”

“What else happened?” I asked.

She raised herself up onto one elbow to look up at me. “Do you want to hear it?”

“As long as you don’t give me too many specifics, of course I do.”

“I was at the clinic yesterday,” she explained. “Getting tested. And… I saw my mom.”

I wished I’d had more tact, but I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “No way!”

Ginny swung her head in a nod. “Yes way. I tried to pretend I was there for a cough or something innocent, but of course the lady called me up to hand me my results at that moment. Mom saw the results.”

I groaned. “At least you were clean. I don’t know what kind of relationship you have with your mom, but I imagine it would be much worse if you had to explain to her why you have crabs.”

She playfully smacked my chest. “Don’t even mention that right now while we’re in bed! I’ll dry up quicker than the Sahara, and then we definitely won’t film a third scene.”

“Sorry. What’d your mom say?”

“She immediately assumed that I have a boyfriend. And when we had family dinner earlier tonight, she and my dad spent the whole time interrogating me about this imaginary guy.”

I snorted. “Ouch. Have fun with that. How long do you think they’ll hound you about it?”

“Until I bring him to our family dinner to meet them.”

“So in other words, never.”

“Well…” she said.

I realized that she was looking at me expectantly. It was not unlike the look she gave me when she was begging me to let her come earlier in the kitchen. But even more desperate. And then it clicked.

“No,” I immediately said.

“Oh come on! She thinks my boyfriend’s name is Kai.”

“Why would she think that!”

“…because I told her? She saw a text message on my phone from you. So really, if you think about it, this is all your fault.”