
Ginny was really,reallyfucking sexy. Everything I told her was one hundred percent the truth: she was porn star hot. The kind of woman that men went home and jacked off to. Especially the way she wore that pencil skirt, showing off the curves of her ass.

But despite that, I hadn’t really thought of her as a potential dating partner. Sure, I teased Michael about how if he didn’t ask her out, I would. But those were just jokes. I never actually intended it.

And then while I was rinsing out her wine glass, I turned back and saw her kissing Michael. Not just a goodbye kiss. Arealkiss. The kind that leads to non-kissing activities. And when they stopped, she looked at me with the most intense, hungry gaze I had ever seen on a woman.

So I kissed her, too.

And now everything is different, I thought as she disappeared into the elevator that opened directly into my apartment.I don’t think I can ever look at her as just a colleague again.

“Dude,” Michael said. “What the fuck was that about?”

“I don’t know!” I blurted out. “You two were kissing, and it was hot, and then she looked at me, so I kissed her too!”

“That’s not how it works!”

“How am I supposed to know that?” I insisted. “You told me you weren’t going to ask her out. Then I see you two kissing. I don’t know how any of this works.”

“This? What even isthis?”Michael asked.

“It’s nothing,” I said, pouring myself another glass of way-too-expensive wine. “It was just a silly kiss. No big deal. Besides, she called me Bruce Wayne! You’re lucky I didn’t propose on the spot.”

“Still, dude. I didn’t realize you liked her. I thought you were just busting my balls.”

“I was! I don’t! I’ve had six glasses of expensive wine.” I shook the now-empty bottle at him. “That’s, like, the equivalent totwelveglasses of cheap wine.”

Michael leaned on the counter and laughed. “How can you be so rich, and know so little about wine?”

“Because I only care about knowing things that matter. Like stock prices, and the current bond yields, and when the fed is going to bump interest rates again…”

And the way Ginny’s tongue felt in my mouth. I knew that very well, now. And I sure as fuck wasn’t going to forget it.

“What about you!” I said, jabbing an accusatory finger at him. “Why didyoukiss her!”

“It was an accident,” he protested. “We went in for a hug and it just sort of happened.”

“Nuh uh.” I shook my head. “No way. That wasn’t an accidental kiss. You two were kissing like teenagers who had thirty seconds before mom and dad got home.”

“Itstartedas an accident…” he said, lowering himself onto the couch. “Fuck. I didn’t mean to kiss her, but… it was really good. Is that bad?”

“Yes, it’s bad!”

“Because she’s my coworker?”

“What? No. That doesn’t matter,” I said. “It’s bad because I kissed her too, and I also thought it was amazing.”

We stared at each other from across the room for three long seconds.

“DIBS,” we said at the exact same time.

“You can’t call dibs!” Michael argued.

“You just tried to!”

“Because I liked her first.”