“No! Not at all. Especially since I’ve seen, you know, videos of you.” Her blush returned twice as bright. “Why do you ask about my hair?”

“Your natural hair is so beautiful. It’s almost a shame you use a wig.”

“That’s sweet of you to say.” Ginny crossed one leg over the other. “You should have seen thefirstwig I bought at the costume store. It was so cheap. The one I use now is legit. I wanted an extra layer to obfuscate my identity,justin case I look familiar to someone.”

“I totally get that.”

“Wouldn’t want my boss discovering my page!” she said with a laugh.

I joined her. “If my boss found my page? I’d probably drive to the Grand Canyon and throw myself inside.”

The two of us laughed, and it felt so natural. So easy. We had an unmistakable chemistry, more than the other two women I had worked with. A chemistry that I was certain would translate well to the bedroom.

Yet I could tell she was still nervous. And this was a lot of information for someone to process. I desperately wanted to work with her, both because she lived in Fort Perth and because of my raw sexual desire. But I didn’t want to put any pressure on her.

I finished my water and stood up. “Take some time to think it over. Decide what you want to do. It’s a lot to absorb.”

She leaped to her feet. “Yeah, sure, okay.”

“It was great to meet you, Ginny.”

“You too, Kai.”

We shook hands. It felt weirdly informal after discussing whether or not to have sex together on camera. But life was funny sometimes.

As I turned to the door, Ginny said, “Wait.”

I stopped.

“What if I’ve already decided what I want to do?” She was biting her lip nervously. It made her look irresistible. “Do you want to…”

“Yeah,” I said without hesitation. “I do.”



I was in a weirdly bold mood tonight. Maybe it was because of the drinks I’d had with Michael earlier. They left me wanting more. Left mefantasizingabout more.

Or maybe it was because of Kai.

I was super nervous before he arrived. No, I was more than nervous: I was terrified. Not for my safety or anything, but just general anxiety about meeting a guy to discuss… all of this.

I mean, how could anyonenotbe anxious in this position?

But Kai wasn’t what I expected at all. He wasn’t sleazy. He didn’t seem like a horn-dog ready to jump in bed and bang. Kai had sunken cheeks and a sharp chin, but in a way that made him look absolutely gorgeous. Like some kind of model. His eyes were as sharp as a hawk’s, and his hair was a mop of strawberry blond, bordering on reddish, messy in a controlled sort of way. He had a great body, which I already knew from the videos I had seen, but it was one thing to watch a video of it and another thing entirely to see him standing there in a tight T-shirt and jeans. Kai was tall and slender, and gave off an aura in my kitchen. Like he had a gravitational pull, sucking me in. He oozed sexual charm, the kind that made me want to sayyesto whatever question came to his lips. But it was so much more than his mere physical appearance. He was polite. He was professional. He had a smile that made all of my worries melt away. He brought his own STD test, for Pete’s sake! What kind of guydidthat?

The kind of guy I want to work with.

I was certain of that by the time I finished my glass of wine. I wanted to work with him. I wanted to learn more. I wanted him to show me how this kind of thing was done.

And I didn’t want to wait.

“Do you want to…” I said, trailing off. Even now, after discussing it at my tiny breakfast table, I was struggling to say the words out loud.

“Yeah,” he said, like it wasn’t a big deal. “I do.”

My nervousness returned tenfold as he gazed at me hungrily. I felt myself being pulled into his gravity, but my feet were frozen in place.