I shrugged. “I know my place. I’m not the main draw. You’re the star of your channel. I’m basically a big sex toy for you to play with.”

Ginny laughed nervously and said, “You’re better than any sex toy I’ve used.” Her cheeks immediately turned the same shade as her hair. She tried hiding it by drinking the rest of her wine.

She’s cute when she blushes. I found myself wanting to stroke her cheek with my thumb.

“Some other details,” I went on. “I keep my face out of all videos. I usually manage this by keeping the camera aimed low, to only show me from the neck down. But it’s great that you have a built-in filter.”

She rolled her wine glass between her red-nailed fingers. “Wait. If you want to remain anonymous, then why did you show your face in the video?”

“Which video?”

“One of the ones you sent me. It was a scene between you and KatieKisses, the blonde woman.” She cleared her throat. “You were… going down on her. Your face was visible several times.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “That video was never published to her page. It was only… a warm-up, I guess. Just for us. We didn’t start filming for real until afterward.”

“Oh.” Ginny didn’t blush again, but she did intently study her empty wineglass.

“Another requirement I have is that anything we do for the camera is discussed ahead of time,” I said. “It doesn’t have to be super detailed, but I like to have a rough outline of what’s going to happen. That way there aren’t any surprises in the moment.”

“I didn’t even think about that,” she said. “That’s a good idea.”

“Of course, if we work together to the point where we are comfortable with each other, that rule can be relaxed. But it’s a good starting point.”


“I also require full review of all videos. To make sure I’m not shown in an unflattering light or something. Obviously, you get full veto power on what videos are posted as well, since it’s your channel.”

“I understand,” she said with a nod. “So, I have to ask. What made you start doing this?”

I felt myself tense up against my will. I tried relaxing as I answered. “It’s a long story. Boring one, too.”

“For me,” she said, “I’ve been saving up for—”

“It’s probably best if we don’t learn too much about each other,” I said, softening the comment with a smile. “I’m still trying to keep my personal life and professional life as partitioned as possible.”

“No, yeah, totally. I get that,” she replied.

“Thanks for understanding.” I unfolded the second piece of paper and slid it across the table. “This is my most recent STD test. I get checked before and after every new client, but I got this done three days ago when I learned we would possibly be working together. I require the same from my partners before any penetrative sex. Until then, I will insist on using a condom.”

“Of course,” she quickly said while reading the document. “You came prepared.”

“Like a Boy Scout.”

Ginny reached up with both hands and untied her ponytail. Her hair fell down across her shoulders like a curtain of auburn silk. She ran her hands through it as she spoke. “I bet you never thought you’d earn a merit badge for this kind of work.”

I laughed.She has a sense of humor, too.I felt myself drawn to her even more than before. “This is certainly a lot more fun than learning how to tie knots.”

“I’m clean, to answer the unspoken question,” she said while continuing to run her hands through her hair. “My last test was over a year ago, but I’ll be sure to get another one as soon as possible.”

I dipped my head. “If you don’t mind.”

“It’s kind of a relief, hearing you bring it up,” she said. “I wondered, but there’s no easy way to ask:hey, do you have herpes?”

I was so mesmerized by her hair that I almost didn’t hear her. “Yeah, absolutely.” I pointed. “Your hair is a different color in your videos.”

She paused with her fingers on her scalp. “You’ve seen my videos?”

“I do my own research before agreeing to meet with a potential new partner. I hope that’s not weird?”