Page 147 of Bosses With Benefits

“Virginia Cavaliers, actually,” he said.

I shook my head in wonder. “So you knew about my page this whole time?”

Michael grinned sheepishly. “Not exactly. I didn’t figure it out until I walked into your apartment bedroom. A room I had seen on video a bunch of times. Let me tell you, that wassurreal.”

“I do remember you acting weird. At the time, I assumed it was because you were worried about the black SUV that was following me around. Which turned out to be Sandra Trout’s guys after all.”

“Nope. It had nothing to do with the SUV. I didn’t know what to do, so I practically ran out of your apartment. Your building manager or janitor or whatever tried to stop me, because he thought something was wrong.”

I stared at Michael. I always pictured my page subscribers as being quiet, nerdy, awkward guys. Men who didn’t know how to talk to a woman in real life. That image didn’t fit with the broad-shouldered, confident man standing in front of me right now.

“You watched a lot of my videos,” I said.

He shrugged. “One or two, I guess?”

“I have data on all my subscribers,” I told him. “You were one of the top five!”

Michael laughed nervously. “What can I say? You’re really hot.”

“And you never recognized it was me? Even after you were sleeping with me in real life?”

“I noticed a resemblance, but I never imagined you were the same person,” he admitted. “The videos look slightly distorted compared to real life. And when we started hooking up, that’s about the time I stopped watching ThiccGinger’s videos.”

The door opened and August strode inside. “You spilling the beans about being ThiccGinger’s biggest fan?” he asked with a wide grin.

“Something like that.”

“This guy was your number one fan,” August explained. “He was skipping our videogame nights to jack off to your videos. Pizza? Sweet! I’m starving.”

“You worked up an appetite being CEO all day?” I asked.

“You have no idea,” he said around a mouthful of cheese. “I knew Dad was slacking off, but I didn’t know just how much. There are over twothousandemails he hasn’t responded to in the last month. Two thousand!”

I shivered. “I had twodozenemails sitting in my box this afternoon, and that was enough to give me anxiety. I can’t imagine thousands…”

“I guess it’s a good sign that you have anxiety about your inbox,” Michael said, “and now about the events that transpired in the conference room?”

“I’m slowly feeling better about the whole thing. I received a nice email from Julia letting me know that it was okay. That helped.”

“Nobody else in the office knows,” August reassured me. “My dad was too busy reeling from his ousting to spread the news around.”

“How is that going?” I asked. “Have you been disowned?”

August shrugged. “Fuck if I know. Dad was pissed about the whole thing when it happened, and I haven’t talked to him since. But Mom called me at work and said she’s glad it happened. She’s treating it like he’s finally retiring, something she’s been trying to convince him to do foryears.”

“Your dad will have lots of time on his hands, now,” Michael said casually.

“He’ll spend it on the golf course, I’m sure.”

“Or with his billionaire mistress.”

August let his pizza slice slide off his palm and back into the box. “Aaaand my appetite is gone again.”

Michael grinned at me. “That’s going to be a lot of fun.”

“Okay, I need to get something out in the open,” I said. “You both know about my OnlyFans page now. And… you still want to hang out with me?”

They looked at each other. “Why wouldn’t we?” Michael asked.