Page 121 of Bosses With Benefits

“I know. I’m just teasing you.” I grunted. “I still can’t believe Sandra flaunts that all over town. There’s an infidelity clause in her marriage, you know. If she cheats on Richard Trout, she gets nothing in the divorce.”

Ginny frowned at the road. “I don’t think they’re sleeping together.”

“Oh, they are,” I replied. “Everyone knows that. It’s the worst-kept secret in Fort Perth.”

“He seemed really good at his job,” Ginny said defensively. “Just because he’s attractive doesn’t mean he’s banging his boss. You of all people should know that.”

I reached over and patted her thigh. “Is now a bad time to tell you that you’re actually terrible at what you do? Because we only hired you because of your looks. We’ve been meaning to fire you, but the sex is too good.”

Ginny laughed and pulled into a residential neighborhood. “But seriously. I think people misunderstand Kai.”

“Maybe so,” I said. “But he’s still totally banging Sandra. She’s certainly not getting it from her bag-of-bones husband.”

Ginny parked in front of an ugly pink house. There was already a Hummer in the driveway, with a suited man talking on the phone. “Okay. We’re here,” Ginny said.

I got out of the car. “Where is here?”

“What do you think?” she asked, gesturing at the house.

I examined the For Sale sign, then said, “The color reminds me of something.” As soon as I said the words, I winced. I knew exactly what it reminded me of: the pink pastel painting above the bed of ThiccGinger, the OnlyFans girl.

“Pepto Bismol, I know.” She rolled her eyes. “But what do youthink?”

“I think they could have asked for a lot more if they painted it first.”

She playfully punched my arm. “Forget the color! Let me show you the interior.”

The realtor handed Ginny the key, then he remained outside while she gave me a tour of the house. And despite the exterior… it was nice. Really nice. Not a mansion or anything, but a great middle-class home. The kind I would have killed to grow up in.

“I actually love it,” I admitted when we were back outside. “That kitchen…”

“The countertops!” Ginny said, practically jumping up and down. “My mom loves to cook, and she would have so much room. Not to mention there’s a bedroom on the first floor, which my dad would need. What do you think? Should I buy it?”

“I don’t know how much they’re charging…”

“Forget about the price. Pretend I can afford it.” She put her arm around me and turned me toward the house again. “Gut reaction?”

“You should buy it,” I said. “Ifyou can afford it.”

Ginny squealed and leaped into my arms, wrapping her legs tightly around my waist. She pummeled me with kisses all over my face.

“I was leaning that way, but I needed one more opinion to push me over the edge.” She dropped back to her feet and smoothed out her pantsuit. “Mr. Andropov? I’ve made a decision. I’m going to put an offer on the house.”

“That’s fantastic,” he said. “You and your… um… will be quite happy.”

Ginny sucked in her breath, then looked at me. “No, it’s not…”

“I don’t judge,” the realtor said. “Polyamory isn’t as taboo as it used to be. Plenty of bedrooms in this house for everyone in your… circle. I’ll call my office and have them prepare the paperwork.” He quickly pulled out his phone and turned away.

“What was that all about?” I asked.

“August came with me one time and pretended to be my partner. Now with you here… I think the realtor is very confused about my relationship situation.”

I laughed. “Or he’s right on the money!”

Ginny fell into a fit of giggles as we returned to her car, but then she stopped. “Hey, you see that car down there?”

I turned toward where she was looking. “The black SUV? Tinted windows?”