Page 113 of Bosses With Benefits

As I opened the door, I realized I probably should have checked the peep-hole first. Every delivery guy that came to my building was a dude, but what if it was a woman bringing our food to Michael’s? Or worse, a teenager? Getting put on the sex offender list wasnothow I wanted the night to end.

Fortunately, it was a middle-aged stoner guy with bloodshot eyes and a dopey stare. He blinked when he saw me, then shoved the receipt at me. I signed the bill, took the food, and winked at him before closing the door.

“He didn’t hide behind the door, either!” Ginny was telling Michael.

“Did I just show up my best friend without realizing it?” I asked.

“Yes!” Ginny sat up in bed. “What food did you get?”

“Tiny tacos, of course,” I replied. “I’ve started craving these whenever I see you. It’s becoming downright Pavlovian.”

Ginny grabbed the bag and shoved two tacos in her mouth. I wanted to make a joke about it. Come on,shoving tacos in her mouth?That’s a softball right down the middle! But Michael opened his stupid mouth and ruined the mood.

“As much fun as this was, we should talk about what happens next. At the foundation.”

“So there’s no way around it?” Ginny asked. “I’m definitely reporting directly to Michael next Friday?”

“Unfortunately, that is correct,” I said.

Michael let out a long sigh. “I don’t want to be the one to say it, but I think it’s obvious what has to happen. We need to stop.”

“Fuck that,” I said. “I’ll quit my job. I’ll collect unemployment and fuck Ginny in the ass all day.”

She gave me a playful little slap. I grinned and bit into one of the deep fried tacos.

“Can you be serious right now?” Michael insisted.

Humor was my defense mechanism. It always had been. When I didn’t want to talk about a subject, I made jokes instead. It had gotten me far in life.

But now, no jokes came to mind.

“None of us want to quit our jobs,” Ginny said. “And even if you did, I wouldn’t let you.”

“And we can’t go public with this,” I said. “I don’t want to sign a relationship disclosure form at work. And I’m assuming neither of you do, either.”

Both of them nodded in agreement.

“Then… yeah.” I took a deep breath. “I think we need to stop.”

The words pained me to say. But that didn’t make them any less true. We had agreed from the start that this was just casual, that none of us wereexclusiveor whatever. So it shouldn’t be a big deal to stop doing it.

But it still felt too soon. Like we had just started this new, exciting, adventurous chapter of our lives. I had expected us to do this a whole bunch of times, not justtwice.

“Okay,” Ginny agreed solemnly. “Then we’ll stop.” She brightened a little bit. “But we don’t need to stop until next Friday! We can still have fun before then.”

Yet as hopeful as that made me, the sinking feeling in my stomach didn’t go away. Because no matter what we had agreed to that first time, and even though we had only been doing this two weeks, suddenly this felt like the worst thing in the world.

A breakup.



Kai and I did more anal videos on Friday. True to his word, we used one of my large dildos in my pussy while he slowly made love to my ass. The double penetration was intense andamazing, and my moans were so genuine that I knew the finished video would be a massive success.

But it couldn’t compare to having two real men inside me.

Kai and I also started bending our rule on talking about personal things. I talked about my parents more, and the challenge of having a father who was permanently in a wheelchair. Kai told me how he has been visiting his mom during her chemotherapy treatments on Fridays, and how it drained him as much as it did her.