Page 111 of Bosses With Benefits

And it was tight. I had expected that, of course. Her puckered little ring clamped around my cock as soon as the tip was inside, and it only grew tighter the deeper I went. I could feel Michael inside her pussy, both of us sliding against each other inside of this gorgeous redheaded woman. Was it a little weird? Well, yeah. But it was also really fucking hot.

I hoped Ginny wasn’t expecting much, because I blew my load within seconds. When I gave her ass to Michael, he did the same. But Ginny cried out with such an intense ecstasy that I was pretty sure she wasn’t disappointed.

She went to the bathroom to clean up first while we sat on the bed with condoms still wrapped around our junk, and a thought drifted into my head:I really hope Dad doesn’t try to fire her.

It was a weird time to think of my dad. Downright Freudian. Yeesh. But it had been bothering me for the last few weeks. Every time we had our family dinner at the big cold museum my parents called a home, Dad brought it up again. How we needed to find room for Bill. He didn’t want an empty position, either; he wanted an actual job doing legitimate work. So I couldn’t just throw him in an office and give him a meaningless title.

It’s too bad the board voted to eliminate Allison’s job, I thought.We could have promoted Ginny and given Bill her old job. But it was too late now, and I was back to square one.

I just hoped my dad didn’t grow impatient and force the issue.

Michael shook his head with wonder. “It’s crazy.”

“Fucking her in the ass? Man, it was awesome.”

“Yeah, it was,” Michael said. “But I meant… eh. Nevermind.”

“Don’t do that.” I pointed at him. “I’m your best friend, Mikey. Don’t hold back. What’s crazy? Are you wondering if it’s gay?”


“Because yeah, our dicks were like rubbing together inside of her and stuff,” I admitted. “But they neveractuallytouched. Totally no-homo. As the great American prophet Justin Timberlake once sang,it’s not gay when it’s in a three-way.”

“That’s not…”

“It’s okay,” I continued singing, “when it’s in a three-way.”


“With a honey in the middle, there’s some leeway…”

Michael pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

“The area’s gray in a one-two-three-way!”

“Are you done?”

“Yes. I’m done. What were we talking about, again?”

“It’s crazy because… you know that OnlyFans girl I subscribed to?”

I groaned. “Don’t tell me you’re still paying for her videos.”

“I only watch them occasionally,” he said defensively. “Like this weekend, since Ginny was too busy to hookup. Well, the OnlyFans girl, ThiccGinger, posted her first anal video a few days ago. It wasinsanelyhot. I’ve never been into that, but watching that video made me want to try it.”

“Okay, so what?” I asked.

“It’s a funny coincidence. That happens, then Ginny suggests anal. If I hadn’t seen that video, I probably would have been weirded out.”

“That’s not a coincidence,” I said. “Online cam girls do that stuff all the time.”

“I guess it’s a coincidence because Ginny reminds me of her,” he said. “Same body type. Both have red hair, although different shades…”

“Do you hear yourself right now?” I demanded. “Stop comparing Ginny to her and just enjoy it, you know? You’ve got a real live nymphomaniac in your bathroom right now and you’re thinking about some woman on the internet.”

He nodded slowly. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll probably cancel my subscription after you guys leave tonight.”

I held out my palm. “Hey, let’s not do anything rash. You might need that subscription to satisfy your needs after you become Ginny’s boss.”