An apron-clad waiter stood a few feet away, frowning at us.

“I’m calling the manager,” he said.

Amber tensed next to me, but I quickly held out a palm to the man. “Wait! I have something for you.” I fished around in my jeans and came out with two bills. “For your silence.”

He took the two hundred dollars, eyes widening for a moment. He made the bills disappear in his pocket, said, “I didn’t see anything,” then turned around and walked the other way.

Hand in hand, Amber and I hurried out of the restaurant, laughing as we broke out into the street.

I called another Uber and we headed back to the office. I kept glancing over at Amber, who was smiling while looking out the window. She was positively glowing in a way I hadn’t seen before.

Then her smile faded and she said, “I guess we need to keep this from Jude, right?”

“Why would we need to keep it from Jude?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” she quickly said. “I just assumed you wouldn’t want to tellanyone. Since I’m kind of your employee and all. That would be a bigger scandal than coming out as a furry on your LinkedIn profile.”

I chewed the inside of my lip. “Yeah, maybe so. I can see Jude’s judgmental look now. He’s a lot more straight-laced than I am. He would never do something like this.”

Amber laughed nervously. I couldn’t blame her. I would be nervous in her position, too, having just slept with her billionaire boss.

In fact, it might be bad for me, too. If we ever had to fire Amber, and it later came out that we had slept together…

I shivered. She could cause far more damage than she ever had by hacking into my Home-AI or LinkedIn profile. But strangely, I didn’t feel concerned about it. I found myself trusting Amber. It was probably the post-sex hormones running through my body.

“Okay, he doesn’t need to know,” I agreed. “Same for Melinda. If she found out, she would give me an earful and then make us sign disclosure forms to cover the company’s collective ass. Although the scandal wouldn’t betoobad if it came out. Technically, in the org chart, you report directly to the CTO. Now, if you slept withhim, that would be a whole lot more problematic.”

Amber laughed nervously again and looked out the window.

I internally berated myself. I shouldn’t be making jokes like this. She was clearly uncomfortable in the aftermath of what we did. Hell, she was turning as white as a ghost.

“Hey,” I said, reaching over to squeeze her hand. “Relax. There’s nothing to worry about. It’s all good.”

She smiled back at me, some of her nervousness disappearing. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, cunt-waffle.”

She laughed, and the Uber driver glanced up at the mirror in surprise. “Hey, that’s what I’m supposed to callyou.”

“Clearly you meant it as a term of endearment,” I said. “I just thought it was a new pet name.”

Back at the office, Amber and I returned to pretending like we were just coworkers—who didn’t get along very well, at that. Jude came out to greet me at the top of the stairs while Amber hurried into her own office.

“How’d it go?” he asked.

“Amber kickedallthe ass,” I said. “I’m glad I brought her. She saved us a metric fuckload of money by putting those sales reps in their place.”

Jude nodded appreciatively. “Sounds like she’s starting to win you over.”

I glanced into Amber’s office, where she was bending over to pull her laptop out of a bag. Her ass was a masterpiece that made my cock twitch.

“She is,” I said, smiling warmly at my business partner. “She really is.”



I’ll admit it: fooling around with both guys at the same time was weird, at first. But it was also the most thrilling thing I had ever done in my life.