Like his partner, Jude didn’t waste any time. He planted a fist next to my head for leverage and began making love to me hard and fast, as if he were making up for lost time. It was the perfect frenzied pace after what Owen had been doing; indeed, it felt like a seamless continuation of the same act rather than two separate men having their way with me.
Two separate men,I thought, thrilled at the reality of it.It’s so much better than I thought. Why haven’t we been doing this all along?
Owen knelt on the side of the bed next to me, his cock still glistening from my own juices. I didn’t care for my own taste but I was desperate to please him, to make him feel as good as I felt right then, and I turned my head sideways and pulled him into my mouth, sucking him as quickly as I had done at the basketball game the night before, but for a completely different reason.
“How’s she feel?” Owen asked deeply.
Jude coughed a laugh and said, “Like heaven.”
“Like you never want to leave her?”
“Exactly,” Jude said.
“Then don’t.” Owen laced his fingers into my hair, guiding the bobbing motions of my head. Jude was pounding me relentlessly now, both arms planted on the bed as he did push-ups on my pussy, pulling back as far as he could go before slamming himself inside again. Long, hungry strokes from someone who couldn’t get enough of me.
And their combined love was more than I could take. My body came apart like a supernova, every atom in every muscle tense and vibrating and then exploding in all directions, another orgasm that was ten times more powerful than the first had been. I arched my back like I was being electrocuted, so intense was the pleasure in my body, heightened by the dim knowledge that there weretwomen in bed with me,twolips kissing me andtwococks inside of me at the same time, both of them beginning to tense and pulse along with my own body…
I don’t know who came first; it was so close that it might as well have been simultaneous. Owen pulled his cock free from my mouth and aimed lower, one silky load hitting the hollow of my neck before the rest unloaded onto my breasts. I grabbed his cock and stroked him as he came, drinking in the sight of him as he groaned.
At the same time, Jude gasped and then exploded inside of me. I felt the trembles of his shaft as he cried out, still fucking me without stopping, four more desperate thrusts before he pushed as deep as he could go, hips quivering against my own pelvis.
Their joined orgasms, filling me and covering me with their seed, kept my climax going and going, until my voice was ragged and my mouth was dry, and then I closed my eyes and sank back into the bed, satisfied beyond words.
“Is it just me,” Owen asked, voice soft with pleasure, “or was that awesome?”
I was laying in the middle of the bed, with Jude to my left and Owen to my right, their bodies curled against mine like two wonderful man-shaped space heaters. At Owen’s comment, I started laughing and couldn’t stop myself. I arched my back and laughed with my entire body, until both of them gazed at me like I was a crazy person.
“Yes,” I replied when I could finally talk. “That wasveryawesome.”
“It wasn’t as weird as I expected, being with Jude,” Owen mused. “Alcohol probably played a part in it.”
“I can tell you that I would have enjoyed that without a drop of wine,” I said.
Jude nodded against my left breast, where his cheek was resting. “Indeed. I was entirely sober as well. Except for the single beer I had in the kitchen. But I was of clear mind, and I enjoyed every moment of it.”
“You guys aren’t just saying that for my benefit?”
Both of them shook their heads. “I enjoyed the hell out of it,” Owen said. “There’s just one question now.”
“What’s that?”
“Who did you enjoy better?”
I sniffed. “Neither of you were better than the other. That’s the point of doing it together: you’re doing ittogether. As a team. Right?”
“Surely you enjoyed one of us more than the other,” Jude said carefully, voice hinting that he thoughthewas the one I enjoyed more. “It is human nature, of course.”
“Yeah.One of usprobably blew your mind, while the other was more of a sidekick.” Owen’s tone left no doubt as to who he meant.
“I can’t decide,” I said. “We’ll just have to do it again to settle it.”
Both of them grinned, kissing either side of me briefly before returning to our cuddles.
“Not that I’m not happy it happened,” I said, “but what brought that on? What made you do it?”