Derek’s eyes brightened. “Actually, I could throw my weight around. Insist that whichever station takes me also approves your transfers as well. I don’t think it would be a problem.”

“What about your house?” Taylor asked.

“I’ll keep it. It’s only a twenty-minute commute to Fresno.”

Jordan glanced at me, then at the others. “I’m going to need to think about it. I know Fresno isn’t far away, but… What about you, Clara?”

“What about me?”

“Are you staying here in Riverville long-term?” Jordan asked. “I know we’ve only been together a couple of weeks, but your plans might have a bearing on what I decide to do.” Suddenly he blushed. “Shit. That probably soundsreallyclingy. I’m not trying to plan out our futures together or anything. I’m just, I guess, trying to figure out…”

I walked over and shut him up with a long kiss. “You’re not being too clingy. I like that you’re factoring me into your plans.”

He sighed with relief. “So, then what are you going to do?”

“Honestly? I don’t know,” I replied. “I still feel obligated to help with the family restaurant, but I know it hasn’t been doing well financially. But whatever I do, I know I want to keepthisgoing. The four of us. And I definitely want to keep helping with Baby Anthony.”

As if he understood his name, Anthony let out a flurry of baby-babbling from his bassinet.

“Good,” Jordan said. “Then whatever happens, we’ll all try to stay together. Whether that’s here in Riverville, or in Fresno.”

The second-shift guys arrived shortly after that. Greetings and fist-bumps were shared, and then the newcomers gathered around the bassinet to play with the baby.

Except for Billy Manning. He casually sauntered over to Derek and lowered his voice, but I was still close enough to hear.

“Have you made a decision,Captain?”he asked.

“I have. Do you have the child’s birth certificate?”

Billy let out an awkward cough. “I, uh, do still have it. It’s at home somewhere. For safe keeping. I’ll bring it to you later.”

A faint smile touched Derek’s lips for an instant, and then was gone.

“Well then?” Billy insisted with hunger in his eyes. “Do you have an announcement to make while everyone is here?”

“I do.” Derek raised his voice. “Everyone. I have something to tell you. I will be resigning as Captain of the station. I’m transferring to a Fresno station within the next few weeks.”

There was a murmur of surprise from the other three guys on second-shift. Billy beamed smugly, like an olympian on the podium right before receiving his medal.

“I’ve been here over ten years, and it’s time for me to move on,” Derek explained. “You’re a good group, and I know you’ll thrive under new leadership.”

“Who will be replacing you?” Billy asked casually.

Derek nodded at him. “I’m not in charge of choosing my replacement. I can only make a recommendation to the municipal fire chief for the greater Fresno area. But recommendations hold a lot of weight with the decision, and I’m proud to announce that I will be recommending…”

Billy took a step forward and began to open his mouth.

“…Brandon McDonald.”

Billy tripped over his own foot and almost fell. The other second-shift guys broke into cheers and began clapping Brandon McDonald on the back.

“What are you doing!” Billy got right up in Derek’s face, and snarled with rage. “We had adeal.”

Derek frowned. “A deal? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“The baby.” Billy pointed at the bassinet from across the room. “I’ll telleveryone.”

“Tell them what? That I’m legally adopting the baby? That’s hardly a secret, and everyone will know about it soon enough. It’s the reason I’m transferring to a Fresno station. To get on a traditional twenty-four slash forty-eight schedule.”