Melanie smiled hopefully. “I’m just sorry it’s a big hassle for you guys. When I surrendered the baby, I didn’t think it would cause a problem for anyone. The last thing I want is for someone to get in trouble over it.”

“I’ll be all right,” Derek said. “As long as I know it’s for the baby.”

“I didn’twantto surrender him.” Melanie smirked ruefully. “I originally wanted to try to find a family to adopt him directly. Without an agency or anything in the way. That way I could know he’s going to a good family. But then the surrender date was here, and I didn’t have the time… It’s a shame I didn’t know anyone who wanted to adopt. That would have been the easiest solution without getting all of you in trouble, right?”

I was about to tell her not to worry about it, that we would figure out what to do thanks to Derek’s contacts in Social Services, but the older fireman had a curious look in his eyes. He was staring at the cushion between Melanie and me as if he was a chess master who had just found a really good move, but was still trying to make sure it was fool-proof.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

Derek blinked, then smiled at me. “I think I just figured out what to do.”



It was all so simple, now.

I had always wanted a family. Not just a wife, butchildren. A house full of love and laughter, and little ones running around who I could take care of. I had so much love to give. Deep down in my bones, I knew I was meant to be a father.

It was the reason I got divorced. I loved my ex-wife fiercely, but she would never be enough on her own. I needed a full family. That was on me, not her.

After that, I always thought of things sequentially.

I needed to find the right woman.

We needed to get married.

Then we would start a family together.

But now that I sat here in the booth with Clara and Melanie, I knew I had been going about it all wrong. I didn’t need to do things in any particular order. I could skip a few steps if I needed to.

And in this case? Skipping a few steps was the solution toallof our problems.

It was a wonder I didn’t think of it sooner.

“I’ll adopt Baby Anthony,” I said.

The two women across from me acted like I had told a joke with a confusing punchline. “You’ll what?” Clara asked.

“A private adoption,” I explained. “You sign over Anthony to me. I’ll adopt him. No agencies, no red tape, except for a few forms to fill out and a lawyer.”

Clara was dumbstruck. Melanie said, “Do you evenwantto adopt a baby? I want him to go to a good home, not just someone who is trying to stop a guy from blackmailing him…”

“I’ve always wanted children,” I explained. “It ruined my first marriage, because I wanted children and she did not. These past few weeks taking care of Anthony…”

I didn’t have to fake the huge smile that spread on my face.

“These past few weeks have been the happiest of my life. Taking care of Anthony, changing diapers and feeding him. Hell, even waking up in the middle of the night and rocking him back to sleep. I’ve loved every minute of it. The experience has reinforced that I was made to be a father.”

“Derek would make an amazing father.” Clara was talking to Melanie, but her eyes were locked onto mine. “I’ve never seen a man so focused on doing what’s best for a baby. He’s already been treating Anthony like his own son. If you want someone to adopt your baby, I can’t think of anyone better than him.”

I blinked, and realized my eyes were watering. That was impossible. I hadn’t cried since I was six years old and my dog died.

Clara’s mom must be cutting onions in the kitchen, I thought while discreetly wiping my eyes with my sleeve.That’s the only thing that makes sense.

“A fireman,” Melanie said slowly. “I can’t think of a better father for Anthony.”

“We can pretend like you never surrendered the baby,” I explained. “There’s no official record of it. The paperwork will show that you were the mother of the child up until the date of adoption, and nobody will know about the last few weeks when things were in limbo.”