
“I can’t believe we just did that,” I breathed.

The three of us were lying on our backs in bed, one guy on either side of me. We had already cleaned up but we weren’t really cuddling yet—we were just splayed out on the bed, limbs overlapping here and there, trying to catch our breath and process what had just happened.

I just got double-teamed by two guys.

“That did just happen, didn’t it?” Taylor asked. He reached over and pinched his arm. “Yep. This isn’t a dream.”

“I will admit that I was skeptical at first,” Jordan rumbled next to me. “But that wasn’t awkward at all.”

“Not once we got going,” Taylor said. “It was like we were working together.”

“Which we do every day,” Jordan said. “Like teammates.”

“Except instead of puttingouta fire,” I said with a giggle, “you wereignitingone between my legs.”

Both of them turned their heads toward me.

“That was really cheesy,” Taylor said.

Jordan nodded. “It’s a good thing you’re cute, because from anyone else, that might ruin the entire night.”

I arched my back on the bed in a long stretch. “Nothing could ruin the night I just had.”

Taylor caressed my cheek. “That good, huh?”

I nodded vigorously. “Mmm hmm.”

“Enough to do it again?” Jordan asked.

I let out an offended noise. “If wedon’tdo that again, then I’m breaking up with you guys.”

Their laughter must have been too loud, because suddenly Baby Anthony began to stir and cry. Our sounds of merriment turned to groans.

“I’ve got this one,” Taylor said, giving me one final kiss before hopping out of bed. He walked over to the bassinet, totally nude. “Thanks for waiting until we were done, little buddy. You’re already learning not to cock-block your friends.”

“It wasn’t weird earlier,” Jordan said. “But—ugh, dude! Maybe put some pants on before youbend overto pick the baby up?”

Taylor spun around, dick swinging freely. “We’ve used the communal shower together plenty of times. You’ve never been weirded out before.”

“This is different.” Jordan threw a bicep over his eyes. “Get dressed, man.”

“When I’m done changing this diaper.” Taylor began humming to himself while placing the baby on the table and removing his diaper.

I giggled at the sight of his lean body, while Jordan continued complaining.


The next morning, my brother Jason called to ask how things were going with the baby, and to see if I needed any other pointers or advice.

“Nope, I’m great,” I replied. “The spreadsheet has been a lifesaver. I feel like I actually know what I’m doing!”

“Wait until he turns one,” Jason replied. “It only gets harder from there, but in different ways.”

I frowned down at the baby in the bassinet in front of the couch. A strange realization came over me. One that had been obvious from the start, but had become more muted as I focused on the day-to-day tasks of caring for the little baby.

“I won’t get to see him when he’s a year old.”