“I’ll take seven,” Taylor said.

I raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you old enough to drink?”

“Ha ha,” he said dryly. “Just for that, you’re not getting anice to see you againkiss.”

I carried the baby over to him and then kissed Taylor on the lips. He returned the kiss eagerly, without trying to stop me.

“That’s what I thought,” I said with a wink.

Jordan made his margaritasverystrong, with lots of salt around the rim. I was good and tipsy after one of them, and it looked like the guys weren’t too far behind me.

Taylor fiddled with his phone, then suddenly frowned at the TV. “What the hell are we watching? Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan?”

“You’ve Got Mailis a classic!” Jordan argued.

“Classic is just another word forold.”

“You’re not allowed to give your opinion on movies anymore,” I teased. “You can watch cartoons in the morning.”

He gave me a playful glare. “You know, your mom arrived at the perfect time yesterday.”

I reached down and placed Baby Anthony in his bassinet on the floor. “Perfect, how?”

“She helped you dodge the question we had asked. About which of us was best in bed.”

I laughed it off. “I forgot all about that. Thanks, Mom.”

Taylor slid closer to me on the couch until our thighs were touching. He was wearing jeans, but I could still feel his warmth against my skin. “Well? Are you going to answer the question now?”

“Like I said: you all have your strengths.”

“That’s a cop-out,” Taylor complained.

“It’s true,” I replied while sipping on my second drink.

On the other side of me, Jordan snorted. “She’s trying not to hurt your feelings, buddy. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t like the answer.”

“Pfft. Yeah, right.” Taylor ran his fingers through his blond hair. “That’s not true, is it, Clara?”

I shrugged casually. “If you guys keep pestering me, I’ll tell you that you’reallbad in bed.”

Jordan’s arm slid around my shoulder. “Now I know you’re lying.”

“Definitely lying,” Taylor agreed.

“If you say so,” I said innocently.

Jordan’s fingers began caressing the back of my neck. “You sound like you need some convincing. Taylor, do you mind watching the baby tonight?”

Taylor made a face. “You hung out with Clara all day. I was hoping to spend some alone time with her tonight.”

“Neither of you calleddibson me,” I said.

Both of them stared at each for a moment, then shouted, “DIBS!” at the same time.

“Shh, you’ll wake the baby,” I whispered.

“I called dibs first,” Jordan said.