“I believe the term iseskimo brothers,” Taylor chimed in. He took one of Baby Anthony’s little hands and waved it for him. “Say good morning to my eskimo brothers!”

“I regret everything about this situation,” Derek said.

“Everything?” I asked.

He got up and strode toward me with a loving smile. “Everything except for one thing. This.” Derek took me in his arms and gave me a long kiss.

“Good morning,” he rumbled.

“I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet,” I said, but I was grinning like an idiot at the same time.

“I never understood people who do that,” Taylor said. “Brushing your teeth as soon as you wake up makesnosense. You should wait until you’ve had breakfast,thenbrush your teeth.”

“Speaking of breakfast, would any of you boys like to fix me a plate?”

“Right away, dear,” Jordan said. He began scooping sausage links off a skillet. “How many do you want?”

“Three, please,” I replied.

Jordan sniggered.

I glared at him.

“What?” he asked. “It’s a funny metaphor.”

“If you’reeleven,” Derek said. “I would expect that from Taylor, but not you.”

Taylor frowned. “Aw, come on.”

Jordan put the plate in front of me at the table. I realized I was starving, so I quickly began wolfing down eggs and sausage.

“What do you think?” Jordan asked.

“The eggs are a little runny, but I don’t mind,” I said.

“I meant about… thesituation. And I don’t mean that idiot fromJersey Shore.”

“Oh.” I put down my fork. “Why are you asking me now? I agreed to it, didn’t I?”

“But you hadn’t actually gone through with the whole thing,” Taylor pointed out. “It’s different now that you’ve slept with all three of us. So what do you think?”

“I think discussing it over breakfast is kind of weird.” I looked at him, then Jordan, then Derek. “But aside from that? I don’t mind being shared by you three.”

“Don’t mind?” Jordan asked incredulously. “I thought you would be more enthusiastic about the whole thing. I know I would be if I had three gorgeous women sharing me.”

I gave him a look. Jordan turned two shades of red.

“Not that I want three other women,” he quickly said. “You’re plenty for me.”

“That’s what I thought.” I speared a sausage and gestured with it. “It hasn’t been going on very long, though. Let’s give it some more time before passing judgment. Being with all three of you may get tough when we sit down and, say, try to watch a movie together.”

Derek barked a laugh. “Jordan likes watching rom-coms, and Taylor hasn’t even seenSilence of the Lambs. If a fight about movies is all it takes to scare you away, Clara, then I don’t think we’ll last beyond next Saturday.”

“It’s a dumb movie!” Taylor insisted. He turned Baby Anthony around in his arms and began speaking to him in a soothing voice. “His name is Hannibal, and he’s acannibal. If that movie came out tomorrow, social media would rip it apart.”

Derek rolled his eyes and flipped to a different page of his newspaper.

Jordan leaned against the kitchen counter and crossed his arms over his chest. He watched me eat for at least two straight minutes.