I could feel the adrenaline surging through my body after getting caught. It made me twitchy and on-edge. Not to mention the way Billy acted. He looked at me like I was a piece of chocolate cake. Andnotin the good way.

There was also the fact that he was married. Rather than heading home after his three-day shift, he was flirting with a random woman. Screw guys like that.

The first order of business was to bolster our new story: that the baby was mine, and I was kicked out of my house. It would have worked better if Billy didn’t recognize me, but since he did, I had to call Mom and let her know.

“I do not lie!”she said emphatically.

“It’s not lying. It’s… fibbing. To protect the baby,” I replied.

I heard her grunt unhappily. “I will do this. I will tell the lie. But only if you let me see the baby!”

“Okay,” I said, surrendering. “I’ll let you see the baby this weekend.”

She clapped excitedly. “I see the baby! I lie for you! No problem!”

Once that was taken care of, I went back out into the kitchen. Taylor was bouncing Baby Anthony in his arms. There was an empty bottle on the table in front of him.

“My mom is taken care of,” I said. “Do you think Billy will accept the commendation you offered him? Or will he still make trouble?”

“I have no idea what he will do,” Derek said with resignation. “I’m going to call my sister tomorrow and see if there’s any way to expedite the process. Just in case. In the mean time, there’s nothing we can do but relax and try to do our jobs here at the station.”


It turned out there wasn’t much of a job for the guys to do. I had my hands full with Baby Anthony, but the firehouse didn’t get a single call.

They watched a lot of TV. Derek was in the middle of rewatchingThe Sopranos, but the episodes were intense and they could usually only stand a couple of them at a time before switching to something lighter.

We played board games to kill time.Monopoly, andSorry. Derek lost at both, and spent the rest of the day grumbling about how Jordan cheated.

Not receiving any calls made it easy to spend someintimatetime with the guys. I slept with Taylor again that night while Jordan watched the baby.

“It’s weird being with you like this,” he whispered while driving into me slowly and tenderly.

I sighed against his neck. “What do you mean?”

“Here. In a bed. Instead of the back seat of my car.” Taylor grinned down at me. “It’s downrightluxurious.”

“I don’t know,” I teased. “You were moreenthusiasticin the car.” I bit my lip.

He raised an eyebrow, then dove into me harder and faster, as if it were a challenge.

The next day, Jordan excused himself to take an afternoon nap. I left the baby with Derek and sneakily went down the hall to the living quarters. But Jordan wasn’t in his bed—he was in the shower across the hall.

He yelped with surprise when I pulled back the curtain on the communal shower stall.

“You almost gave me a heart attack!” he said, voice echoing off the tiled walls. Then he realized I was nude. His gaze raked over my body, eyes widening as he took in the sight of me.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” I said in an innocent voice. “If you want me to leave…”

I started to turn away, and Jordan grabbed my arm and pulled me under the steamy water. He bent me over the shower and took me hard and fast, not wasting any time while we had our moment of privacy.

The bathroom wasn’t sound-proof, but Jordan clamped his palm over my mouth as we came together, drowning out my pleasured cries.

It was strange bouncing between the two of them. One night with Taylor, then the next afternoon with Jordan. Italmostfelt like infidelity to me, sneaking kisses whenever we had some privacy and I didn’t have the baby. After all, I wasn’t used to going back and forth between two guys.

But Jordan and Taylor were totally on board with it. They joked and teased each other throughout the day, and pretended to be possessive of me. At night, when they were going to bed, they made a competition out of kissing me goodnight, constantly trying to one-up the other.

I didn’t mind. After all, I was the one getting all the extra love because of it. Their attitudes took away any awkwardness from the situation and made me comfortable.