“I know, right? A guy as sexy and charming as him…”

“Hey, woah, enough of that.”

I twisted until my chin was resting on his chest and I was looking up at him. “Uh oh. Are you jealous?”


“Yes you are.” I poked him on the nose. “You’re totally jealous.”

“Maybe I’m jealous he got to spend tonight with you, while I was stuck at home with the Chief and the baby. I didn’t mind Baby Anthony, but the Chief is a boring guy.”

“That’s how sharing works,” I said. “If you wanted me all to yourself, you shouldn’t have offered…”

“I know, I know.” He rolled me over onto my side and then spooned me from behind. “Goodnight, Clara.”

“Taylor told me you’re a snorer.”

“Taylor is a liar.”

“If you snore,” I said, “I’m kicking you out.”

He vibrated with silent laughter, and then we both sighed happily together under the covers.

It turned out that Jordanwasa snorer. Within minutes he was wheezing softly, and then it morphed into a deeper, rumbling snore. But it wasn’t too bad. And I was so content having his body wrapped around mine that I didn’t mind.

A little snoring was worth falling asleep to this.

Baby Anthony woke twice in the night. But both times, Jordan got up and took care of him. I insisted I would handle it, and that he should go back to sleep, but he gently pushed me back onto the bed.

“I’ve got it covered. Go back to sleep, sweetie.”

Sweetie. I liked the sound of that. One date and two sexy-times and Jordan already had a pet name for me.

In the near-darkness of the bedroom, I watched Jordan’s muscular frame go through the routine. He checked the baby’s diaper, then bounced him on his shoulder and shushed him back to sleep.

Just like when I saw the baby sleeping on Derek’s chest, my ovaries gave a big old twitch at the sight. A tiny little human in the arms of an enormous, heroic fireman.

Shut up, vagina, I thought while drifting off to sleep.I get it. Big men taking care of babies is sexy.


After living with my mom for the past year, it was strange suddenly being at someone else’s place. The fire station was the fire station, but Derek’s house felt different. It was like staying at a bed and breakfast, but instead of paying for my room, all I had to do was watch a cute little baby.

It was weirdly stress-free. We hung out, watched TV, and relaxed. On Sunday, I sat in a rocking chair on the porch while Baby Anthony slept and read a book on my phone. It was almost like being on vacation.

Sure, there were periods of chaos where the baby wouldn’t stop crying. His diapers were still radioactive. But overall, it was a pleasant change of pace from helping my mom at the restaurant.

Of course, it helped that I hadreallygood company.

Taylor and I napped together on Sunday afternoon. We didn’t even fool around or anything—we just curled up together on the couch and slept for an hour while Derek watched the baby.

On Monday afternoon, Derek and Taylor went out to run errands. Baby Anthony was sleeping in his basket in the living room, so I snuck up on Jordan while he was pouring himself a glass of milk in the kitchen.

I gave him a long kiss. Then, without another word, I dropped to my knees in front of him on the cold tile floor.

“Hey now, what’s all…ohh.”

Jordan’s words devolved into mindless grunts and moans as I gave him a blowjob in the kitchen. I had always doubted my head-giving skills, but I had Jordan coming into the inside of my cheek within minutes. I gazed up at him and devoured the sight of his ecstasy, his face twisting with intense pleasure, while Ialsodevoured his come.