It may have been his first time, but he had good instincts. Taylor rolled his body against mine with perfect rhythm, slow and steady with just the right pace. He fisted my hair, fingers tightening against my scalp, and I surged upward with need.

We lost ourselves in our unrestrained lust as we made love in the back seat. I was grateful for the privacy because soon both of us were moaning loudly, with the freedom of not needing to stay quiet.

Taylor quickened his pace, sending new jolts of pleasure up my spine. I arched my back to take more of him, hands squeezing on his chiseled ass to urge him to go even faster, to give me everything he had.

He began to gasp and groan, and I bucked and thrust against him while clamping my pussy around him. The hard length of his cock drove into me with mindless desire, then shuddered and exploded inside me.

“Clara!” Taylor cried out, meeting my gaze for a split second. “Oh, Clara!”

The sound of my name on his lips drove me over the edge as well, and the two of us shook and shivered with release while he filled me with his seed.

We embraced for a long time after, panting and sweating against the fake leather upholstery, but too satisfied to move.

“Not bad,” I said, “for your first time.”

He gave me a surprised look. “Really?”

I kissed his sweaty lips. “You’re a natural.”

“I bet you say that to all the guys.”

“Just the ones who are good in bed.” I paused. “Or, good incar, I should say.”

We slowly untangled from each other and collected our clothes. It was no easy task in the cramped back seat, but we managed to get dressed.

We got out of the car and held hands all the way up to the front door, even though it was only thirty feet. Taylor paused in front of the door and turned toward me.

“I had a lot of fun tonight. During our date,andafter.” He kissed me on the cheek.

I raised an eyebrow. “That’s all I get? A little peck?”

“I don’t want to get too presumptuous on the first date,” he said casually. “Have to leave you wanting more, right?”

The two of us giggled, then shared arealkiss.

“Want to sleep together?” he asked.

“Didn’t we just do that?” I replied.

“I mean sleep as insleep. Not sleep as insex. Unless you’re not a fan of cuddling…”

“Oh, cuddling is the best,” I replied. “But I’ll have the baby with me. And he’s going to wake up several times.”

“I don’t mind,” Taylor said. “It’s worth it to fall asleep with you.”

It was sweet. And I wanted to say yes. I wanted to feel him drift off to sleep next to me, to watch the rising and falling of his chest as his breathing slowed and he began to dream.

But I knew he needed sleep on the weekend.Realsleep, undisturbed by a crying infant. Sure, the walls were thin and he could probably hear the crying across the hall, but I was certain he would rest better if he was in a different room.

“We’ll cuddle another night,” I assured him. “Or maybe during a daytime nap.”

He grinned at me. “I’m a big fan of naps.”

We kissed again, then went inside. We continued holding hands at the bottom of the steps, and then slowly pulled them apart.

God, he’s sexy, I thought while watching him climb the creaky steps.I can’t believe he was a virgin. And that I got to be his first.

I found Derek in the study, which was adjacent to the living room on the back side of the house. He was resting in a recliner, with Baby Anthony asleep on his chest.