“What’s so funny!” I asked in a hoarse voice.

“I’ve never seen a girl do that before,” he replied.

“I’ve never had it done to me!” I reached down and found his hair, my fingers tightening in it. “Get your sexy face up here and kiss me, damnit.”

He covered me with his warm body and obeyed. I could taste myself faintly on his lips, but rather than gross me out, it turned me on even more. An erotic reminder of the wonderful things he had just done to me.

“That’s my first time edging a girl,” he admitted.


“That’s what it’s called, bringing someonerightto the edge of orgasm, then stopping, then starting again. It’s supposed to make the climax that much more powerful.”

“Wait a minute.” I pushed up onto one elbow. “That was your first time doing that to a girl?”

He smiled hopefully. “It was that good, huh?”

“It wasamazing, but it was torture up to that point.” I bit my lip and reached down between him, finding his hard length in his pants. “I wonder if you’d like it if someone did that to you.”

I gave him a squeeze through his blue fireman pants, and his cockleapedwith excitement.

“I wonder the same thing,” he grinned. “Maybe we need to… Aww. Fuck.”


I twisted to look over to the door. The LED was flashing. The alarm was going off.

“Thank goodness that happenedafterI was done,” he said.

“But what about you? I feel bad that you’re missing out…”

“I don’t mind.” He pecked me on the cheek and then hurried to the door. “I enjoyed that just as much as you did.”

Somehow I doubt that, I thought as I hurried to get dressed so I could get the baby.



“Is this about the baby again?”Jason asked on the phone.

“Yes! But it’s important this time, I promise,” I replied.

“Did you check the spreadsheet?”

“The spreadsheet has been a huge help, but this isn’t on there.”

I heard my brother sigh. “Okay. What’s up?”

“Baby poop.”

“Baby poop.”

“It’s a really weird color,” I said.

My brother exhaled. “I was eating lunch, but I guess that’s over now. What color is the baby poop, Clara?”

“Sorry! It’s a weird mustard color. Like, dark yellow. That can’t be normal. Right?”