“You’re not supposed to wash your haireveryday,” I said.

His confused expression deepened. “You’re not?” He ran his hands into his hair as if expecting it all to suddenly fall out.

I gave him a playful shove, then went into Derek’s private shower. It was nice being able to bathe in there rather than the communal shower in the hall. Not that there was anything wrong with it—they kept it very clean. But the individual shower stalls in one big room made it feel like I was back in college, and I preferred to have some privacy while I showered.

When I opened the door, I expected to have the room to myself. The guys had given me plenty of privacy in the room, and not even Derek had come in here without knocking. But Jordan was laying on his side on the bed, propping his head up with a flexed arm.

I felt a moment of prudishness. I was only wearing a towel around my waist, and itbarelycovered my privates. Sure, Jordan and I had already slept together, but I still felt awkward about it. There was a certain level of comfort a girl needed to reach with a guy before just flashing the goods around.

“I thought you were watching the baby,” I said.

“Taylor took him,” he replied. “He wanted to teach him the alphabet.”

“The alphabet? He’s only a couple of months old. I don’t think he’s able to process any thoughts beyond eating and pooping.”

Jordan shifted until he was sitting on the edge of the bed in front of me. “That’s what I told Taylor. But he insists on trying. Which, lucky for us, means we have some alone time together…”


He rose to his feet until he was looming over me with a hungry look in his eyes. He snatched the corner of the towel and whipped it to the side, leaving me standing there, nude. For a long moment he drank in the sight of me. I felt his eyes raking over my skin like a caress.

We had been sharing kisses around the station all week, but we always remained reserved since Derek and Taylor were around. But the kiss Jordan gave me now? It was arealkiss, given with his entire body. He held nothing back, and I could feel how much he needed me as his fingers danced over my damp skin. It was a reflection of my own desire for him that had been building since our sizzling night together on Monday.

Jordan lifted me into his arms, spun around, then dropped me on the bed. It was a totally unnecessary movement since it transported me about two feet, but I didn’t mind the excuse to be carried in his arms, even for a few brief seconds.

He smothered me with another deep kiss, beard scratching wonderfully along my cheek, and my body came alive underneath him.

“Relax,” he breathed. He favored me with a mischievous smile, then kissed a trail down my neck. I squirmed as his lips brushed against my nipple, nose digging into the flesh of my breast, but down he kept moving, hands raking over my skin as he went.

I had never really enjoyed having a guy go down on me. It wasn’t a self-conscious thing, at least not primarily. Getting eaten out wasnice, I guess, but it just didn’t do much for me. I would much rather be filled while in their arms, kissing and moving together in the dance of lovemaking.

“I want you,” I said to him, reaching for a handful of his hair. “Come back up and kiss me.”

“Oh, I’m going to kiss you,” he replied, dodging my grasping hands. “Like I said: relax. This is just about you right now.”

Despite his words, I remained tense as he edged closer and closer to my lady parts, breath whispering across my core. His strong hands gripped the inside of my thighs and pushed them apart, exposing me to him. Self-conscious thoughts ran through my head, thoughts about the amount of shaving guys prefer down there, and if he wouldenjoydoing it or if he was just trying to be nice.

All those thoughts disappeared as his chin tickled over my clit. He buried his nose in between my pussy lips, nuzzling at me rather than going right to work. He inhaled deeply, then sighed as if he had just smelled the perfect bouquet of flowers.

He thinks I’m sexy. He likes how I smell.

Slowly but surely, I began to relax.

Jordan pulled me closer to the edge of the bed, then wrapped his massive arms around my thighs. I felt myself quiver with excitement as he finally began sliding his tongue up and down my wet heat. His movements weren’t tentative or reluctant—it was like he was licking an ice cream cone, eager to geteverysingle drop of me.

Oh,I thought.That feels goooooood.

The last remnants of self-doubt disappeared and I surrendered underneath his firm grasp. Now Ipreenedas he worshiped me with his tongue.

“You’re soaked,” he rumbled into me, deep and dark, barely words at all.

Jordan’s voice set my body on fire. He must have sensed my desire because his tongue wedged deeper into me, wriggling up and down as he pushed further into my lush heat.

I closed my eyes and savored the way he felt. This wastotallyunlike the other experiences I’d had with a guy going down on me. Like the difference between watching Tee-Ball and professional baseball.

His tongue swirled out and around my clit, then back inside of me. He ran a figure-eight like that, intensifying the pressure with every loop, before eventually enveloping my entire clit in his mouth. Two fingers caressed my entrance then, getting nice and coated in my juices before sinking deep into me while he gently sucked on my clit.

I couldn’t get enough of the way he made love to me. Jordan made me feel like a goddess he was worshiping, rather thanmebeing the lucky one to be with him. I arched my back, relaxed into the bed, then arched it again as his speed increased.