Up to this point, I thought the whole situation was crazy. I had taken it in stride, but it was still totally out of the ordinary for someone like me. I wasstillstruggling to make sense of it all.

But seeing the way Jordan cared for the baby, and understanding the risks to their careers they were accepting, I felt different about the entire situation.

“Of course you’re doing the right thing,” I replied. “If you turned him over to Social Services, he’ll just be another name in a database. He’ll be part of a system that’s stretched too thin, and likely given to a foster family who is only in it for the money. Baby Anthony ismuchbetter off with the three of you. I can see that already.”

I touched his bearded cheek to comfort him. Jordan’s hard face relaxed at my words and my touch. He let out a relieved breath. “I think I needed to hear that. Thank you, Clara.”

“Thanks for putting the baby’s needs first,” I said. “It’s selfless.”

We smiled at each other, and suddenly it felt like that moment outside my car on Friday night. The sexual tension between us had disappeared in the past few hours, but now it had returned twofold.

And seeing the way the big, burly fireman tenderly touched he baby? It made him about a billion times sexier to me.

Jordan reached up and cupped my hand, which was still touching his cheek. He gave it a squeeze, enveloping my fingers in his much larger hand. He was warm and strong and tender all at the same time, and my body tensed with anticipation.

He touched my cheek, much in the way I had touched his, and then he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

There was no phone call to interrupt us this time. I raised my head and accepted his kiss eagerly. My body came alive as he churned his lips against mine, fingers still cupping my cheek with growing strength.

I was panting when he finally pulled away, and Jordan smiled down at me. But then his smile wavered.

“Maybe we shouldn’t be doing this.”

I jerked my head toward the baby. “I don’t thinkheminds, as long as we’re quiet.”

“I mean because of… My teammates. Taylor and Derek both really like you…”

I scoffed. “Derek? Are you sure? He yelled at me for putting the food in the oven the other night.”

“That’s just how Derek is,” Jordan replied. “He’s a hard-ass with everyone. Taylor and I are like family to him, but he still chews us out when we deserve it.”

“Okay, but so what? Taylor’s nice, but I haven’t even gone on a date with him. I’ve gone out withyou. If they liked me, they should have asked me out first. It’s that simple.”

Jordan grimaced. “It’s more complicated than that, actually…”

“How?” I hissed, keeping my voice quiet. “Tell me how it’s complicated.”

He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his aquiline nose. “There’s just a lot going on, especially with the baby in the mix. You know? Maybe we should take it easy until things settle down.”

I wanted to argue with him, but I also didn’t want to seem too eager. If he was saying we should wait, there probably wasn’t anything I could say to make him change his mind.

“Yeah, sure,” I said. “When things settle down, maybe we can pick things up.”

He nodded gratefully, gave Baby Anthony another loving smile, then bowed out of the room. His broad-chested, massive frame was silhouetted in the door frame for a moment, and then the door closed with a resounding click.

I fell back on the bed and groaned. I didn’t think I was moving too fast with Jordan. We hadalmostkissed after our date, and the kiss we just shared felt natural. It wasn’t awkward. Andhehad been the one to initiate it!

I got up and went to the baby basket. Anthony was nestled in his towels, sleeping quietly with a smile on his tiny face.

“I’d be happy too, if I was a baby,” I whispered. “You don’t have anything to worry about, especially now that the four of us are watching you.”

I turned to grab my suitcase so I could change, and the door opened again.

Jordan’s silhouette was huge, hulking, and unmoving. He stepped inside and closed the door. There was a quiet intensity to his movements.

“I can’t,” he said, crossing the space between us. “I can’t just drop things now.”

I closed my eyes as he took me in his arms.