It was so much fun being naughty.

“What was that for?” he asked.

I rose and tastefully wiped the corner of my mouth. “Payback for the other night.”

“I can’t help but notice you didn’t torture me the way I tortured you,” he said.

I poked him in the chest. “That’s because I’m aniceperson. Also, I don’t know how long the guys will be gone, or how long Anthony will stay down.”

He grinned and pulled me into a long kiss.

“I’m surprised you want to kiss me after that,” I said.

“Why? Because your mouth was just around my penis?” He glanced down at his still-exposed member, slowly going limp through the zipper hole of his pants. “That doesn’t gross me out. Ilovemy penis. We’re very good friends.”

“I like it too.” I kissed him, and he grinned against my lips. “What?”

“I was just thinking about how you probably haven’t done that to Taylor.”

I gave him a playful shove. “See? Youarejealous. You don’t want to share me at all.”

“I definitely want to share you,” he replied, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his nose against mine. “But we’re going to joke about it a little bit along the way.”

My own smile wavered. “I still can’t get a read on Derek. Just when I think he’s about to show some attraction to me, it fades away.”

“Like I told you: that’s just Derek,” Jordan insisted. “He’s slow to come around.”

I still wondered if he everwouldcome around. And if not, that was okay. I was very happy with Jordan and Taylor. When it came to chiseled fireman lovers, my cup runneth over.

I heard the front door bang open. “We’re back,” Taylor announced.

Derek came around the corner with a bulky box in his arms. He dropped it to the ground and I saw the picture on the front: it was an infant’s car seat.

“Really? You bought a car seat for him?” I asked.

Derek scowled. “I don’t care if it’s only a three-mile drive. I want him to be safe. I’ll donate it to the Fresno Women’s Shelter when this is over.”

Taylor hefted a bag and grinned. “We got him a bunch of new clothes, too! Now he doesn’t have to keep wearing the same two onesies over and over.”

“Fun!” I took the bag and sifted through them. My hands froze when I reached one particular onesie that was orange and black. I held it up for everyone to see.

It was a San Francisco Giants onesie.

“I’mnottouching him while he’s wearing that.”

All three firemen roared with laughter.

That night, we all packed up our things and prepared to head back to the firehouse for the next four days.

“Are you sure we can’t just keep him here?” I asked. “It would make things so much simpler.”

“I know, I know,” Derek said. “I’ve gone back and forth about it myself. Ultimately, I’m paranoid about custody issues if we get caught. He needs to stay at the station the majority of the time.”

“Also, you’d be all alone here,” Taylor pointed out. “At the station, there’sfourof us to help watch this little guy. Isn’t that right?”

He wiggled Anthony’s little foot, and the baby let out a squeal of happiness.

“We’ll text you when it’s safe for you to drive over,” Derek said. He placed a key on the table. “Lock up when you leave, and make sure the lights are all turned off.”