Page 105 of Nanny for the Firemen

It was a running joke between all of us. How does a polyamorous group like ours take things to the next level? The legal system wouldn’t acknowledge one woman being married to four men.

“To answer your question: nope!” Clara said happily. “Unmarried couples can be foster parents, as long as they meet all the other requirements, and pass the home inspection process. It’s actually pretty common, especially in couples who have been together longer than a year. If we’re approved, we can raise foster children.”

“Well?” Derek finally said in a choked-up voice. “Open the damn letter already!”

You could hear a pin drop as Clara tore open the letter and then read it. Tears welled in her eyes. For a brief moment, I was terrified that they were tears of disappointment.

But then she smiled, and nodded, and then the four of us were hugging all over again.

I still wanted babies of my own with Clara. She wasthe one, a fact which I knew with a certainty deep inside my gut. But we were still young, and we were in no rush. For now, I couldn’t wait to raise foster children with her. Kids who were in desperate need of a warm and loving family.

Clara was wiping away tears when she said, “How are we supposed to watch a scary movie now!”

I seized on the comment. “Good point! Let’s switch to the Giants game.”

Derek grabbed the remote and hit play. “You’re not getting off that easy.”

We settled in to watch the movie. “Hannibal the cannibal,” I muttered. “What a stupid name for a character.”

“Shut up,” Clara said, squeezing my hand. But she said it with a smile, and her eyes said,I love you.

I love you too,I said with my eyes as we snuggled together and watched the movie.

Bonus Scene

Excited to see what the future has in store for Clara and her fire-proof men? Want to know how bit their family is? Click the link below (or type it into a browser) to receive a special fast-forward bonus chapter that was cut from the original book. It’s extra sappy and extra sweet!

If you enjoyedNanny for the Firemen, you’re going to love this other Reverse Harem Romance from Cassie Cole:Nanny for the SEALs. You canclick here to buy it, or keep reading for a special sneak peek!


I snatched the plate out of his hand. “You came in with me. If I get caught, you’re caught too.” I pointed at the door to the suite. “We need toleavebefore Jonah Weiman walks through that…”

I trailed off. The door to the suite swung open at precisely that moment, becauseof courseit did. I winced and steeled myself, expecting to see the man that could—and would—reveal our deception.

I relaxed when I realized it wasn’t Jonah Weiman. It wasn’t a man at all, in fact. It was a tall, slender woman with blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. She wore jeans and a baggy designer T-shirt, the kind that looks like it came from the thrift shop but probably cost over a hundred dollars. She was vaguely familiar. In fact, she kind of looked like me.



Maurice made a choking noise and smacked at my arm. “Heather. That’s…”

“Hi, sorry I’m late!” the blonde woman cheerfully said. She extended her hand to one of the other couples in the suite. “I’m Amirah.”

Entering the suite behind her was Jonah Weiman. “Found her. She was signing autographs down at the main entrance. I told you, the next time you come to one of these events we can bring you in through a different door.”

“I like meeting with fans!” she said. “It only costs me a few seconds of time, and it makes their day.”

All the color drained from Maurice’s face. “I have changed my mind,” he whispered to me. “I would like to go home now.”

“We have to hide!”

“No, wait—” Maurice hissed.

The bathroom was the closest door to me, and it was open with the light on, so I darted in there. Maurice wasn’t following me, and we were out of time, so I gave him a panicked look and then closed the door.