Page 84 of Nanny for the SEALs

“That’s where we play baseball,” Micah said. “Out back,behind the office.”

“Outback is so fatty. The Bloomin’ Onion is, like, a billion calories.” Patty shook her head and asked me, “I’m serious about the boys. I was reluctant to fill-in today, but they were so good today! What’s your secret?”

“The schedule and star system has been a big help,” I explained. “Everything stems from that.”

Patty glared at the boys. “I tried bribing them with candy plenty of times before. It never worked.”

Because it has to be a consistent system,I thought to myself. I didn’t say it out loud because I was just happy that she was willing to fill-in whenever I was gone.

“I guess I have that magic charm,” I said diplomatically.

“I like that. Magic charm.” She grabbed her purse and pointed at me on the way out. “Next you ought to try training Brady. I bet you could nail down his behavior real quick.”

“I bet you’re right,” I said with a knowing smile.

I played with the kids for ten minutes—a game which consisted of putting the couch cushions back where they belonged, and then picking up all the colored pencils from the kitchen floor—and then put them down for their naps.

With the residence finally quiet, I grabbed a string cheese packet from the fridge and wolfed it down. I had been too busy to get lunch, so I reached for the big bucket of snacks. Mr. Howard’s words echoed in my head:Every pound you put on is a role you’ll lose to a skinnier actor.I frowned, put the big bucket back, and got a piece of chocolate from the small one instead.

Being a woman sucked sometimes.

A door opened down the hall. I prepared myself to scold one of the triplets for breaking nap time, but it was Brady who wandered into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

“Oh. I didn’t realize you were here,” I said.

“Catching up on sleep after watching Amirah’s place all night,” he replied. “I was wiped out.”

“That’s tough. I hope you slept well, despite the kids making all that noise?”

“I can sleep like a baby anywhere. A trick I picked up in the Navy.” He grinned at me. “I had some creative dreams. Me and Asher were with this insanely beautiful woman. We did some real filthy things to her.”

“She was beautiful, huh?” I asked with a smile.

“Oh yeah. Long blonde hair. Kissable lips.” He reached behind himself and grabbed his butt with both hands. “She had an ass that reallypopped, you know?”

“Aaand you ruined it.”

“Would I un-ruin it if I kissed you?” Brady hesitated. “Am I allowed to kiss you? I don’t know how this works.”

“I don’t know either,” I said. “But I will happily take a kiss.”

I yelped as Brady dipped me low, giving me a passionate kiss while holding me nearly parallel to the ground. Then, with easy strength, he pulled me back up to a standing position.

“It’s awfully quiet in here,” Brady said. “If the kids are napping, maybe we have enough time for…” He raised his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

I gave him a playful shove. “Maybe later. I wanted to talk to Rogan first. Mind keeping an ear out for the kids while I’m downstairs?”

Brady opened the fridge and gazed inside. “No problem. But hurry back. You’ve got me thinking naughty thoughts,nanny.”

I giggled and went downstairs to the office. I hadn’t been here since Rogan gave me a brief tour on the first day. It was big enough to hold two dozen employees, but was just occupied by the three dads. They each had an office around the exterior, with a big conference room in the middle. The rest was open space that could be filled with cubicles.

That was the thing about private security: nobody needed to be in the office except the guys running things. And even that could be done from anywhere.

I passed Asher’s office first. He was seated at his desk, with a grid of computer monitors in front of him.

“Knock knock,” I said, rather thanactuallyknocking.

He swiveled in his chair, then grinned at me from behind his glasses. “Heather. This is a pleasant surprise.”