Maya Maas
“What the hell am I doing?” Maya asked herself, pushing her body off the tree she had been leaning against for the past hour. “What iswrongwith me?” She should walk away from here. She knew that. Yet she couldn’t get herself to, her eyes glued to the tent Antonio and Sophia shared.
There was no denying she had an unusual interest in their growing relationship. Toomuch of an interest. But how could she not silently root for two doomed individuals? If two immortals with seemingly every odd stacked against them could somehow find happiness together, it might prove it wasn’t impossible for someone as damned as herself to find happiness as well.
Though she knew it wouldn’t prove anything, would it? In the end, Maya wasn’t meant for such things. Sorceresses weren’t made to be happy. They were made to enact revenge on vile men, their powers bestowed upon them by a witch centuries ago, forged by the hatred in their very own hearts.
She simply had no reason to have any interest in this romance. Yes, she knew this. “So walk away,” she told herself.
But then she noticed that golden haired elf approaching, thick locks of hair framing his face. Whenever he was around, both Antonio and Sophia grew antsy.I wonder what he’s doinghere, Maya thought, unconsciously settling against the tree bark once more.
Maya believed Antonio’s match was either currently going on or had recently ended. Which meant he should be returning soon. Perhaps he’d even bump into this elf. Nowthatwould be interesting. Of course, that wasifhe hadn’t been killed in battle.
Before the elf reached the tent, a woman in a purple cloak stepped in front of him, blocking his path.
Maya gasped, bouncing off the tree. She recognized that cloak, knew it all too well. Judging by the way the life flushed from this elf’s face, she believed he was also familiar with this witch.
Drusilla. A chill slithered down Maya’s spine.
“Casper.” She bowed her head in greeting.
“Drusilla.” Casper’s tone was sharp.
“You play with fire, elf. Circe’s enraged by your absence.” Bile built up in Maya’s throat at the mention of that woman.
“I’ve done everything Circe has asked of me for decades and will continue to do so. I only need one more day. That’s all.” He anxiously looked past Drusilla and to the tent. The one Sophia was in.
“I can return you to her now,nottomorrow. And I promise you willnotfind her without my help. If you cannot return to her, she willnotbe happy. Think about your mate. You bargain with her life by refusing me.”
Circe held the life of someone important to this elf in her hands?You and I both,she thought.But not for long.Once Maya won The Heart of Aphrodite Circe would be done for.
Casper looked at the tent with clear desperation, as if he could will himself there if he stared hard enough. “I’ll go, butpleaseallow me to speak to Sophia before I leave. I promised her I wouldn’t leave without giving her a goodbye. Not this time.”
“Now or never.”
It took everything in Maya to hold in her scoff. Drusilla had always been desperate to show how much power she held over others whenever she could. She had no reason to refuse Casper’s request other than to simply prove that shecould.
At Casper’s hesitation, Drusilla added, “You’re bargaining with your mate’s life.”
Finally, Casper sighed in resignation, his gaze vacant. “Take me to her.”
Drusilla’s gloved hands reached for Casper’s wrists, but not before turning to Maya, her piercing stare cold as ice. “You won’t kill Circe with that amulet you’re so desperate to win. In fact, I believe that wolf friend of yours just destroyed it.” Drusilla was still grinning when she disappeared with Casper.
Maya’s heart began thudding, and not because Drusilla was aware she had been standing there the entire time.
Antonio destroyed The Heart of Aphrodite? Somehow, Maya knew Drusilla spoke the truth.
Then my aunt is still doomed…
An uncontrollable rage brewed inside Maya and continued to do so until she released an ear splitting scream into the night.
Chapter Fifty
Sophia Brenning
The sound of Antonio’s pacing stirred Sophia from her sleep. With hazy eyes, she blinked up at Antonio, who had so much anxiety oozing off him she was becoming anxious herself.
“What’s wrong?” She lazily asked, groggily rubbing her fists against her face. He couldn’t be this worried about his upcoming fight, could he? Being one of the best warriors in this competition and knowing it, he rarely worried about his ability to win in that pit.