Their friendship was beautiful, yet he would never see her as anything more than a friend, would he? She was starting to believe Casper would preferanyonein the world over her.
I’ll never come first.
She lifted herself up from the chair, standing as tall as she possibly could despite feeling so small. “No, I won’t do it.” Casper thought he was helping her by making her live with another man?
Screw him.
She refused. It was as simple as that.
“You need his protection.”
She smirked. “I can protect myself just fine.” Sure, she wasn’t trained for team battles. But at least she wastrained. She spent the last forty years working her ass off. Forty years where Casper wasn’t present to see all the effort she put into her training. Whatever happened, she’d figure it out. She had no choice but to. The Elaron Games was her battle and hers alone. She didn’t need Casper’s help. In fact, she didn’t need to see him ever again. “Consider our friendship over.”
The hell with him. What did he think, sending her off to live with another man?Withoutasking her first! Did what she want in life even matter to him?
When Conall whistled, it took everything in her power to refrain from charging at him and giving him a swift smack across the face. “Conall, shut the fuck up or get the fuck out.”
“Sorry,” he muttered.
Casper placed a soft hand on Sophia’s shoulder. “You’re just angry with me.”
She flicked his hand away. “Is it just anger, Casper?”
His expression hardened. “You’re not going into that arena without his help. The decision has already been made. Antonio will keep you alive.”
“Until when? Until he has to kill me sohecan win?” The more she thought about it, the more Casper’s plan didn’t make any sense! It was like he was throwing her into the hands of another manjustto get rid of her! “Good thing the only person who can decide whatIdo with my life isme.” She tried to brush past him but he stepped in front of her, stopping her from walking any further.
“Don’t make this any more difficult than it has to be.”
“I’mmaking this difficult?” She took a step back as she repeatedly stabbed a firm finger against her chest. “This ismylife. You’re acting like you have control over it. This decision ismine, andIchoose to fightalone.”
She almost believed she witnessed both sadness and guilt flicker across his eyes. “I’m sorry, Soph, but this decision isn’t yours. I’m an elf in Elaron and my uncle is King. You’re nothing more than a fey we took in as a mercy.” Her eyes widened in shock, his words slicing her as a cool blade would. Was he seriously talking so lowly about her…toher? “If I command our knights to do something they will listen to me. Not you. Regardless, I talked to Valaris about this already. The orders have been given.”
“What orders?” There was no way this was happening right now. She was thinking of a future with Casper only a few seconds ago! The dramatic turn this conversation took was destroying her. Howdarehe try to control her life! She didn’t believe she could trust Casper again.
How could she?
How did she ever see something in him? He did nothing but abandon her time and time again. And now that he was finally here with her, he was taking away any command she had over herself, and he was taking her dignity with it.
“There are knights stationed outside Antonio’s tent. Theywillstop you if you try to run.”
Sophia couldn’t control the rush of emotions flooding through her. She felt betrayed, forgotten, and demeaned. But most importantly, she felt hatred. She was seething with it. ShehatedCasper right now. “I can’t believe you’re… why are you okay with entrapping me with someone you believe is dangerous?” The anger in her voice was fading as sadness took over.
“We both know Antonio isn’t going to hurt you.” Casper reached for her, pulling her body into his. She used to feel a rush of exhilaration whenever he would hold her this closely, which he always did a moment before he split them somewhere else.
But now?
She felt nothing. The two of them could never be, and after tonight she no longerwantedthem to be.
She tried to push away from him, but he only held her tighter. And truthfully? She knew there was nowhere to go. There was no way out of The Elaron Games. She couldn’t get away from here if she tried. And no one here would listen to what she wanted, not if it went against King Valaris’ will.
Thiswas his will.
Bending down to her ear, Casper whispered, “Soph, I’m only doing this because I care about you.”
But you’ll never care about me the way I want you to, she thought. Though, instead of telling him what she was truly feeling she hissed, “Don’t ever call me Soph again.”
He sighed against her. Then, without another word, he split them away.