Page 29 of Rejected By a Wolf

Antonio ground his teeth together, his fists clenching so tightly he almost believed they would pop. This elf was testing him and Antonio hadnopatience for that.

She’s mine!His instinct roared again.

“What am Itellingher?” Sophia’s current state had everything to do with the situation she was in and nothing to do with whatever this elf believed he might have said to her. “You should be asking the one who stood by her side and watched her sign up for this tournament why she’s like this!Youknew her. Why didn’t you stop her from signing up for this?”

If you had stopped her, she wouldn’t have to die for Giselle to live.The cruel thought flashed across his mind.

The elf’s eyes grew cold. “Trust me, if I could’ve done anything to stop her from competing in this, I would’ve.” The seriousness in his voice helped Antonio to believe that he actually was speaking the truth. Antonio supposed that wasn’t surprising, this elf did openly show how much he cared aboutSophia. “I know who you are, Antonio. I’ve heard stories of you. If anyone can kill her in this arena, it’s you.”

“I’d never hurt her.” When Antonio said this, he knew what he said was true.

“Vow to me you won’t.”

“I vow it.” Not only would he never hurt Sophia, but he’d do everything he possibly could to keep her unharmed fromanyone foras long as he could. He tried not to think about the day when he would no longer be able to keep her alive, putting that thought in the back of his mind.

The elf nodded, seeming to believe Antonio. “Then help me help her.”

“How?” If there was a chance to help Sophia, Antonio would take it.

“Numerous games of capture the flag will take place tomorrow. Two teams of three will compete in each game. King Valaris will announce this soon. Competitors are allowed to pick their own teams. Promise me you will pick her for your team. Keep her alive.”

So, this elf already knew details about the next round? He must be Sophia’s inside source. Jealousy over him flared within Antonio. He couldn’t control it.

“That’s an easy promise.” If what this elf said was true, there was no way Antonio would allow Sophia to team up with anyonebuthim. The elf nodded, his expression earnest. In fact, Antonio believed the elf appeared as if hetrustedhim. “I’ll keep her alive,” Antonio promised, but he couldn’t stop himself from also requesting, “Though I want something in return.”

“What do you want?” The look in his eyes told Antonio he’d give almost anything to assure Sophia’s safety. Antonio knew he was about to be given exactly what he was going to ask the elf for. Unable to deny his instinct, Antonio knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted to be with Sophia.

“I want her to stay with me. In my tent. For every night of this tournament. Starting tonight.” Antonio noted a hint of hesitation in the elf’s eyes as he looked down to the nearly lifeless fey in his arms. “I’m not going to hurt her,” Antonio assured him. “But I won’t help keep her alive if you deny me of this.” That was a total lie, but this golden haired beauty didn’t have to know that. “Trust me, and I’ll keep her alive.”

After another moment of hesitation, he nodded, tearing his eyes from Sophia to look back at Antonio. “If that’s what you want, so be it. I’ll bring her to you soon. Let me settle her down first so I can explain everything to her. Then I’ll bring her right to you. Tonight.”

Antonio’s nostrils flared. He didn’t want this elf to be with Sophia much longer. Sophia wasAntonio’s,nothis.Unable to help himself Antonio asked, “Who are you to her?”

“I’m Casper,” the elf said as he lifted Sophia up, cradling her in his arms. She remained unresponsive. “I’m a good friend of hers.” Casper must’ve seen the jealousy raging within Antonio because he added, “Justa friend. I’m already mated to someone else.”Thank the gods for that. Relief coursed through Antonio. “I’m going to search for a loophole in the contract she signed so we can break her free from the binds of this tournament. You keep her alive until then. And wolf? Don’t tell her what I’m doing. She’s as stubborn as anything and she wouldn’t agree to it.”

It was difficult for Antonio to accept that they were having a conversation about Sophia, without her knowledge, despite her being right there. She wasn’t doing good, she wasn’t doing good at all. It worried him.

Before Antonio had the chance to respond, Casper split away with Sophia, the two of them vanishing.

Antonio couldn’t control the ache in his heart. Sophia was currently suffering, and not being by her side, he wasn’t capable of being there for her.

Soon, he reminded himself, she’d be by his side again.

Chapter Nineteen

Sophia Brenning

The screams of the fey who had once been Sophia’s neighbors began to fade away, replaced by Casper’s calming voice. “…there you go, Soph. I’m right here. Take your time.”

No longer was she standing in mud, her body covered in ashes. Now, the comforting feeling of the plush chair she was sitting in welcomed her back to reality.

“I still can’t believe you sold her off like that.” Sophia recognized Conall’s voice coming from somewhere across whatever room she was in.

“If you have an issue with it, it’s probably best that you leave.” The tone in Casper’s voice took a dramatic turn from the soothing one she heard only a second ago.

As they continued to banter Sophia beganseeingher surroundings again, finally returning to the present.

It looked as if they were in one of the palace’s main sitting areas. Light from the moon shone in through the two story windows, illuminating the entire room. The moon’s light was so bright, in fact, that only a single lamp, which rested beside a grand piano, needed to be on.