Though, considering everything he knew about this fey so far, he probably shouldn’t be so surprised. None of her actions reminded him of her notoriously timid species.
She came to a stop before him, completely out of breath. “One moment,” she wheezed, resting her hands on her knees as she took in heavy breaths.
“Uh, everything alright?” A mystifying fey indeed.
She stood upright, wiping her forehead with the palm of her hand. “Totally. Well, no. Not exactly. That’s why I’m here.” She took in a few more deep breaths. “Man, do hangovers drain you or what?”
Unlike last night, this fey was now sober and shestillshowed no fear of him. Was she deranged? Fey loathed werewolves! In their minds, werewolves were the beings nightmares were made of!
“Youdoremember I’m a werewolf, don’t you?” He was confounded, to say the least.
“Uh, yeah. I was drunk, sure. But I wasn’tthatdrunk.” She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest.
“You’re supposed to be terrified of me. Of my kind! You’re fey!” He stabbed his fingers through his hair.
She gave him a bemused look. “If I spent my days busying myself with reasons to be frightened of my competitors I probably shouldn’t be competing. I thought even a werewolf could understand that logic.”
You shouldn’t be competing anyway,he thought to himself, fists clenching at his sides as an unusual urge to keep her safe washed over him.
Lance broke out in laughter. “I like this one,” he cackled. Sophia looked his way, shooting him a smile and a wave. “Nice to meet ya, fey.”
“You too!” She called to him before directing her attention back to Antonio. “Anyway, what you said wassuchan understatement. We’re terrified ofsomuch more than werewolves. We’re terrified ofeverything!But in a world where I might be the only living fey, I had to put the hatred and fear I was raised with aside in order to survive. I had to figure it out or die.”
“And you chose to live.” He wondered how old she was, and how she managed to survive the decimation of her species. “How did you survive the Viovod attacks?” Maybe she always lived with the elves and never had to witness those horrors.
“Attacks? You mean slaughters.” When he witnessed a flash of sadness cross her eyes, he knew she hadn’t always lived with the elves. Which meant she was no stranger to loss.Neither am I, he thought. “The only thing that matters now is the fact that I’m standing here. Alive.”
For now.He thought, believing her days were numbered. She chose to die the moment she signed up for this tournament. Hehatedthat the thought bothered him so much. He shouldn’t be so bothered by her unfortunate fate. He didn’t know her. And yet the thought of her death continued to plague her mind.
“Understood. Now, why were you in such a rush to locate me?”
“I like you. You seem like a good guy. So I’ve decided to give you information that may help you in this tournament, butonlyif you promise me something in return.”
Chapter Twelve
Antonio Payne
Antonio raised a quizzical brow, unsure why Sophia wanted to help him in any way. They hardly knew one another. This had to be some sort of trick.
He supposed the only way to know whether or not she was planning on deceiving him was to ask more questions. “And what do you want in return for this favor?”
“I want to live.”
“This tournament only has one winner.”
She dramatically rolled her eyes, as if to make a point. “Iknowthere’s only one winner. I only want you to help me survive the night. I want to survivetonight.”
“Tonight? That won’t be a problem. The battles begin tomorrow.” If she was this clueless about the tournament she was already doomed. This is why fey didn’t fight. It wasn’t in their nature.
But she chose to fight, and now he was becoming sick with worry for her.
“Do we have a deal?” She asked, ignoring his comment. Hell, if she believed she would die tonight and he’d be able to help her, so be it. It was a win win for him, depending on what her favor was.
“We have a deal.”
She extended her hand and he shook it, the feeling of her soft fingers unexpectedly sending shock waves through his body. He imagined those soft hands tightening around his cock, pumping him while her supple lips kissed his head.
He released her hand and took an unsteady step back, shocked by his own thoughts.What is wrong with me?He thought, wiping sweat from his forehead. He was reacted to her as if she was his mate. But she wasn’t!