Page 108 of Rejected By a Wolf

“Do you have any idea what Drusilla intends to do to Sophia?” Lance asked the question Antonio was too afraid to ask, fearful of what Maya’s answer might be.

“Harvest her soul, I suppose.”

“What!?”Antonio shouted, already three steps deeper into the darkness. “We need to find Drusilla or Sophia,now!”

Harvest Sophia’s soul?

No she fucking won’t.Not Sophia. She did nothing wrong.Hedid.No one else. No one deserved to suffer for his actions buthimand him alone.

“And it looks like you found me. Well, you found one of us, I suppose,” Drusilla said as she emerged from the darkness. “I knew you would come here.” Her gaze drifted to Maya. “How could I not, when you know this place so well? I’m sure if you won The Heart of Aphrodite you would’ve used it to kill Circe. Or, perhaps you’d use it to save your aunt. It’s a shame, what happened to that amulet.” Amusement danced across her face. She was enjoying this.

“Cut the talk.” Antonio took a step in her direction. “Where’s Sophia?” He knew Drusilla wouldn’t give up her location so easily, but he hoped to at least find out if Sophia was still alive. Or if hersoulhadn’t been harvested.

“I’ll tell you where she is. Even better, I’ll free her for you.”

Antonio almost sagged in relief. He didn’t entirely believe Drusilla would free Sophia, but at least he knew Sophia was alive. Which meant shecouldbe freed - with or without Drusilla’s help.

“Bullshit,” Lance coughed into his hand, but Drusilla paid him no mind, her focus remaining on Antonio.

“Witch’s honor.” She raised a hand, crossing the other over her chest.

“Why help us?” Antonio asked, knowing there had to be a reason.

“You think I’m doing this tohelpyou? No, I don’t help men like you.” Her scowl dripped with hatred for him, hatred that was undoubtedly deserved. “But Iwilldo it for a price.”

“Name it.” He’d give anything to free Sophia. She didn’t deserve this,hedid. She deserved to be free, and he’d free her, no matter the price.

Drusilla’s lips curled into a mischievous grin. “Your soul.”

Chapter Sixty-Seven

Sophia Brenning

“Through here,” Casper told Sophia, gripping the handle to a door laced with inscriptions that looked a lot like the ones on Drusilla’s cloak.

“Then we’ll be free of the wards?” And free to split to Elaron, where Sophia prayed she’d find Antonio.

The tournament wasn’t over yet, which meant there was a good chance he’d still be on that island when she arrived. Of course, he could’ve also dropped out of the competition. With The Heart of Aphrodite no longer in play, what reason did he have to stay? He couldn’t save Giselle.

He can’t save Giselle.Sophia’s jaw dropped.

He knew that by destroying the amulet, any chance he had at saving Giselle would be lost. He knew and did it anyway. For Sophia.

Sure, he had explained he no longer planned to revive Giselle. But the option was there for him, should he change his mind.

For her, he sacrificed what once meant everything to him, and in return she left him in the dust.

She didn’t think she could get to Elaron fast enough.

When Casper pushed the door open, Sophia bolted through it and into what she believed was a cave.

“I can hardly see a thing,” she commented, noting only the dimly lit torches behind them gave off any illumination.

“I’d say it’s a good thing we won’t be here for long.” Casper grinned, reaching his hands for hers so he could split them to Elaron. “Ready?”

Sophia swallowed as she gripped onto his hands. Once on that island it would be a race to find Antonio. Shereallyhoped he didn’t leave, but knew there was only one way to find out. “Ready.”

Then she heard it. She heardhim.