I think I fucked this up.



Top Golf? I’m such a fucking dork. I mean it was fun and the food was actually amazing, but what was I thinking?

Viviana smacked herself in the forehead for not thinking of something more clever to say and kept typing and deleting a reply. Deciding to skip over the topic of meeting up already, she answered his questions.

Viviana R.: I am a nurse. I work at a hospital on the east side, but sometimes I’ll fill in or cover a shift on the west side. I don’t have a super set schedule, it fluctuates a lot, but I enjoy it. What do you do?

She knew Chris worked for the government, which was a pretty standard answer for anyone in federal law enforcement in El Paso, but he could work for Parks and Rec for all she knew, so she figured she’d ask, especially since he mentioned he hiked at work.

Chris C.: I’m in law enforcement . . .

Viviana R.: That’s awesome. So, I guess that means you can protect me?

Chris C.: You could say that. Are you in danger? Lol

Viviana R.: Nah, but it’s every girl’s hope to feel safe with a guy

She felt so dumb with their banter, but Chris kept it going, so she decided to just say fuck it, and keep chatting away, even if it meant she was talking out of her ass.

Chris C.: What else is every girl’s hope?

Chris C.: Scratch that. What’s yours? What are you hoping to get out of this Connect thing?

Viviana R.: I’m looking to branch out. Maybe meet someone who likes to go out once in a while, or who enjoys cooking and watching movies together . . . I’m not looking for a hookup, or a one night thing if that’s what you’re asking

Chris C.: Good

Good? What’s good? Jesus Christ.

Viviana R.: Which one? What’s good?

Chris C.: All of it. I’m not a hookup kind of guy. And before you roll your pretty eyes, I know every guy says that. But one, my mother would beat my ass if I treated a woman disrespectfully, and two, I think hookups are more drama than they’re worth. At least from what I’ve seen with other guys I know

Chris C.: I’d like to get to know you more

Viviana R.: I have to get to bed, I have a super early shift tomorrow, but I could text you throughout the day. Just not sure when exactly since who knows what kind of day it’ll be . . .

Chris C.: I’ll be looking forward to it

Viviana R.: Me too

Chris C.: Good night, Viviana. Sweet dreams.

Viviana R.: Good night, you too Chris

Feeling a little giddier than she anticipated, she put her phone on the charger by her bed and walked to her bathroom to get washed up. After taking off her makeup, she stared at herself in the mirror and smirked. Viviana was a little excited. She hadn’t talked to a guy or had any interest in one in a long time, and even if it went nowhere, the attention made her feel good, and gave her some little tingles she hadn’t expected.

The next morning, bright and early, Viviana got up for work, made her coffee, and headed in. She knew it would be a good day, she could feel it. The hospital was relatively quiet for the moment, and Candy was on the same shift as her, so they were able to catch up.

“You have a certain . . . glow about you this morning. What’s in that coffee cup?” Candy teased.

Viviana laughed. “I’m just having a good day, that’s all. I slept great, I woke up refreshed, there’s no emergencies yet, no mean or condescending doctors on our shift today . . . it’s just a good day.” She could feel her own coy smile, almost a grin but not quite, forming.

“Nope. I call bullshit. Something happened when you went home last night. Did you get laid?” Candy asked bluntly.