She tries to turn the knob, then yanks on it for good measure, her blonde hair swinging with the force. I lean up on one elbow to watch her, grinning when her ass sways with each yank. I can see what Squall found so appealing.
“Unlock this door, Torrent.” She turns and puts her hands on her waist, her face looking downright murderous, and by the hand of fucking Satan, I grow hard just watching her.
“I can’t.” I shake my head. “I don’t have the key, Marigold.” The name slips from my mouth, but as her eyes narrow and her mouth pouts, I decide it really does suit her. She’s like a pretty, yellow flower.
“What the fuck are you talking about, Torrent?” she huffs as she strides closer. “Stop playing games. Who is Marigold?”
“No games, I’m too tired. I’m a prisoner too, don’t you see?” I fall back onto the bed as my eyes sink close. I don’t know when the last time I had a good sleep was. “You’re like Marigolds, all pretty and yellow.”
Her groan reverberates off the wall as she stomps her foot in frustration, the sounds making me grin.
“Get some sleep,” I tell her as I pat the bed beside me. “I need some peace and quiet.”
“I am not sleeping with you!” she exclaims. “Get out!”
The shrill sound of her voice sets something off inside of me and I lose all patience as I get up from the bed and stalk toward her, making her retreat until her back hits the wall. Her eyes are wide as I would imagine she sees something familiar radiating from my face. My fucking rage. She’s seen it once before and nearly didn’t survive it. My fist hits the wall beside her head, making her cry out in fear as I bend down to look into her face. “I said, get some fucking sleep. Do you think for one second I want to be in this little room with you? Do you think I want to hear and smell the very thing trying to ruin my life? You’re lucky I’m not smothering you with a pillow as I fuck your tight asshole. Am I understood?” She gives me a tight nod as tears slip down her cheeks, and I can’t fucking help myself as I lean in and lick one off, making her suck in a fearful breath. “I would stay as quiet as I could if I were you,” I advise. “Unless you want to wake him.” I pat my chest. “I may be an asshole of epic proportions, but he’s downright diabolical.”
I shove off the wall and walk back toward the bed, the mattress no more than a double. The thought of being in such close proximity to this bitch is enough to make me lose my control, but I shove it down, knowing it’s my only way out of this mess. If I kill the pretty, blonde love of my love’s life too soon, the whole plan will be fucked-up and I don’t have time to formulate another one.
I fall back onto the bed, my stomach bouncing off the mattress as I gather a stiff pillow under my head. There’s no point in fighting with her because she would never see reason, and I don’t have time to sit here and remind her of just who’s holding us hostage. If she’s that fucking stupid, then I won’t have to kill her. She’ll do it all on her own.
A few moments later, I hear her settle into the one armchair in the room as her stifled sobs swirl around my head, pulling a small smile to my lips. Her melancholy symphony is much needed as it guides me into what I hope will be a dreamless sleep.
Loving Beginnings Orphanage - 1989 - Torrent
Sister Jane throws me into the same room Father Robert used to bring Haynes and shuts the door behind her as her face thunders with anger. I followed her and Sval to our bedrooms and I found her screaming at him to stay in his bed for the rest of the day. When I came in, her sights turned on me.
“You children are the devil, you know that?” she spits out as her hands clench by her sides. “You think you can just take the life of a disciple of God and not be punished?” Her words have me growing cold as I look around the room, finding nothing to protect myself with. Right now, Sister Jane has the same evil look Father Robert used to have and I suck in a long breath.
“He punished us enough while he was alive, and you knew all about it!” I scream at her. “You knew he was hurting us and you did nothing!”
She comes forward quickly and slaps me hard across the face, my head snapping to the side with the force. Immediately my cheek stings and I lift my hand to touch the aching spot. I’m no longer surprised by the actions of the adults in this home who are supposed to be taking care of us, and to be completely honest, I expected worse. Is it terrible that I’m relieved with just a smack?
She must see it in my eyes, the way I’m glaring at her. She knows I’m not sorry for a single thing, and her face darkens. “You’re evil,” she growls. “You and those other three boys are nothing but evil.”
“You guys are evil!” I fire back. “And you’re going to Hell for the things that happened to us here.”
“Is that right?” A nasty grin swims along her mouth as she reaches forward to grab the top of my head. “We can do whatever we want here. It’s God’s will.” Then she throws me down on the bed and rips my pants down over my ass.
Not again.
I struggle against her, but I’m rewarded with a hard hit to the back of my head, making me fall to the bed with a cry. Then her hand slaps down on my ass, over and over, the hard hits beginning to feel like lava on my raw flesh.
“Stop!” I scream. “Don’t touch me!”
She doesn’t let up. Her hits become harder, and I begin to slip off the bed as her palms hit my back and then shoulders. I stare at her black skirt as it moves with her movements, like the robe a Grim Reaper would wear, then I stuff my head under my arms to protect it from the blows.
“Help!” I scream, the sound muffled by my arms as she continues to hit my shoulders and back. I want Raiden to come and help me. He’s supposed to be my big brother.
But no one comes, and when she’s finally winded and drained of energy, her hard boot slams into my ribs for the last attack. Then she heads to the door in a flurry of heavy footsteps and heaving breaths.
The door slams closed behind her as I succumb to the sobs I’ve been holding in my chest. Once they begin, there’s no stopping them as they take over me, shaking my body with each cry. I thought with Father Robert gone, I would be the most dangerous in this place. Especially because of the demon inside of me, but I was wrong.
It likes when I’m hurting and in pain, and for the first time, I feel utterly alone.
Chapter four