Finally, I turn to look into a pair of ice-blue eyes, the same ones that never waver in their loyalty to me, and I search for that now.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Sval murmurs, his shoulders deflating with each word. “I couldn’t desert you when you need us most.” I don’t understand what it is that sends my own brother away but makes Sval stay. I won’t lie to myself and say it doesn’t hurt, because it does, but I’ve got bigger things to worry about.
“Promise me you won’t involve those two.” I thumb toward the exit where Haynes and Raiden walked out of.
“You have my word.” He sounds dejected, but when his eyes meet mine, I see the sincerity. “What do we do now?”
“Those Sisters will keep her in that basement because they like how much she freaks out down there. Shereen knew they would do that. Even so, she didn’t desert the plans.” It’s a reminder to him to be strong, regardless of what happens. When he gives me a nod, I continue, “They are setting up for dinner right now, so they won’t start the punishment until afterward. We go into that room and eat our fucking gruel, then we head out for chores. Only we go to the basement and wait instead.”
I grab his arm and lead him out of the church, his skin warm inside my palm. From the first moment I saw Sval, I felt a pull toward him. I had never felt that way before and we became friends. He doesn’t treat me like a kid or a burden.
Dinner is just as disgusting as any other meal, but I scarf it down, knowing it’ll give me the strength I need to accomplish my plan. My brother and Haynes are sitting at another table, but Sval is right across from me, slowly scooping his spoon into the gray blob on his plate and forcing it into his mouth. I can feel the looks my brother is tossing at us, but I don’t care, he’s chosen his side.
“Evening chores, then prayers!” Sister Jane calls out. I look over my shoulder to find her grinning at me, the sight sinister. “And prayers tonight will be done on your own. Sister Mary and I have business to attend to.”
I know exactly whatbusinessthat is, and I plan on fucking it all up … permanently.
“They know,” Sval whispers as he drops his spoon back to his plate. “They know we’re going to try to help her.”
“Good.” I grin. “It’ll be even better when they realize they’re the ones who need the help.”
The bell sounds, letting us know dinner is done, and since Raiden and Haynes’ chores are to clear up the dishes after meals, they can’t try to stop us. I’m still on toilet duty and have been since I killed the asshole priest. That probably won’t change until I’m out of here. Sval has laundry sorting, which puts him perfectly near the basement.
When I walk by Haynes and my brother, I can’t help but jab Haynes with one last thing, knowing it would hurt more than any physical weapon. “After everything she’s done for you, you’re leaving her there to suffer alone. Inthatbasement … thathell.”
My brother calls my name as I keep walking by, my eyes never leaving Sister Jane’s as I leave the dining hall. Sval stays close behind me, never wavering when Raiden calls for him to stop. It makes me feel vindicated in the decision I made to separate myself from the weak.
Sister Jane follows us out, standing at the doorway to watch where we are going, and so, just like our plan, we part ways. Me to the toilets and Sval to the laundry.
My eyes stay closed as I slowly come out of my sleep, trying desperately to cling to the dream I had of Squall. He was lying on the bed as I rode his face, uncaring if I suffocated him to death. My core pulses with aftershocks of the amazing orgasm I had in my sleep, clouding my senses as I try to sink back into it.
That is until I hear the shower.
My eyes open and I find myself on my side, the blanket thrown off my body and the light from the small window telling me it’s dawn. I stretch and wince when I feel how sore I am, and if that wasn’t enough proof that Squall being here was real, the feel of his cum slipping from my pussy is.
I don’t have much time to reminisce because the shower stops, and I know exactly who it is inside that small bathroom. He’s back early and I can’t stop the anxiety that begins to form a ball of fear inside my stomach. Does he know Squall was here?
Guilt eats at me suddenly and I can’t figure out why. I owe Torrent nothing and his relationship with Squall has nothing to do with me. Even though I know all of that is true, I still feel like the other woman.
He steps out of the bathroom with nothing on, his body moist from the shower and his cock hanging heavy between his legs. I swallow down at the sight of it, my cheeks heating with embarrassment. I’m not attracted to him, I convince myself. I’m just coming off the effects of a sex dream with Squall.
“Shower is free.” He shoots me a pointed look over his shoulder with a sniff. “You need it.”
Usually I would retort, tell him to shut up, but I seem to have lost the ability to form speech as my cheeks continue to heat.
He clicks his tongue and bends to the duffel bag on the floor, unzipping it to pull out a pair of boxers. I can’t take my eyes off him as he slowly rises, his back to me as he pulls them on, the muscles bunching in his ass with the movement. Okay, so his body is sculpted to near perfection. Why wouldn’t I look?
“Did you kill someone again?” I finally find my voice. “Were you showering the blood off?”
He turns slowly to pin me with a heated look and instead of seeing the threat of murder, I swear it’s lust. “Does it get you off? Me murdering people?”
“God, no,” I scoff and push myself off the bed, taking his advice for the shower.
“God has nothing to do with what I do. Quite the opposite, really,” he murmurs as he watches me closely. I don’t miss how the front of his boxers tent as my shirt slips back down my thighs. My stillwetthighs.
“I’m taking a shower,” I declare as I grab my clothes from the day before off the chair and move around him. His scent has me stalling to do a discreet inhale, letting pine and mint wash over me. It’s got to be Stockholm. I’m not crazy.