Page 93 of Sate the Darkness

Ryshi had heard stories of the mighty Tryshu. There wasn’t a jinn who didn’t salivate at the dream of getting their hands on the weapon. Not only was it one of a kind, which made it precious to any collector, but it was infused with the magic of the ancient merfolk. Plus, the rumors claimed that it possessed unimaginable power.

Unfortunately, only the true leader of the merfolk could touch the massive trident.

Hurrying to stand next to Sofie, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “You should brace yourself.”

She sent him a worried glance. “What’s going to happen?”

“I have no idea.” He grimaced, glancing toward their companions. He’d never seen anything like them. The queen, a towering ogress with tufts of red hair, wearing a dress that would make the fashion police scream in horror, and an undersized gargoyle with fairy wings and an attitude that was in serious need of adjustment. “And I’m guessing the odd couple are just as clueless.”

“Hey, be quiet.” Levet waved his arms in their direction, his commanding tone rubbing against Ryshi’s raw nerves. “The queen needs to concentrate.”

“No, I don’t,” Inga muttered, hefting the Tryshu in one hand as she pointed it toward a spot in the center of the open field.

Ryshi felt a tingle of magic radiating from the queen and caught the scent of an ocean breeze before a blinding ball of light exploded from the tip of the Tryshu. The power sizzled through the air, smacking into the magic that guarded the labyrinth. There was a weird screeching sound, as if the illusion was being ripped in two, then an epic explosion that sent them flying backward to land on the thankfully soft grass.

“Damn.” Sofie jumped upright, absently brushing the grass from her jeans as she watched the distant trees shatter and collapse, like a sandcastle being destroyed by the rising tide. As they disappeared, Ryshi could see a rolling wheat field and an apple orchard. “What happened?”

Ryshi spread his feet as the ground continued to roll and quake beneath their feet. “I’m just spitballing here, but it’s possible that she just destroyed the barriers that guard the labyrinth.”

Sofie arched her brows, casting an admiring glance toward the ogress. “The Queen of the Merfolk isn’t playing. I like her.”

“Me too,” Ryshi acknowledged. “She’s certainly an original.”

The gargoyle, however, remained annoying as ever as he flapped his ridiculous wings. “Oh no.”

“Is something wrong?” Inga asked.

Levet nodded toward the impressive fortress that was built on a towering hilltop.

“This is the place I recently left. The minotaur homeland.”

Ryshi swallowed a curse, watching as a drawbridge was lowered on the side of the fortress and a herd of armor-clad minotaurs poured out.

“We’re about to have company,” he warned.

A layer of ice suddenly coated the ground around them as Sofie stepped forward. “I can deal with them.”

Ryshi moved to grab her hands, forcing her to turn and meet his worried gaze. There was no way in hell he was going to let her use her powers. Not when they caused her pain.

“No, Sofie.”

Her expression was hard with determination. “Take the gargoyle and return to Styx.”

He made a sound of disgust. “I’d rather stay here and have my mind fried. I just met the rodent and I already want to squash him.”

“Hey. I am a gargoyle, not a rodent,” Levet protested, holding up his fists as if challenging Ryshi to a boxing match. “And I dare you to try to squash me.”

Inga clicked her tongue. “Not now, Levet.”

The gargoyle pouted, but he readily lowered his hands. “He is very rude. Almost as rude as a leech.” The gray gaze shifted to Sofie. “No offense.”

Ryshi rolled his eyes. “Why on earth would Styx want him back?”

Sofie ignored the petty squabbling, squeezing Ryshi’s fingers in a bone-breaking grip.

“You need to get out of here.”

“I’m not leaving you.”