Page 88 of Sate the Darkness

Sofie didn’t fully understand the young jinn’s need to locate her father. She had no idea who’d sired her, or who she’d been before she’d been turned into a vampire. But then again, she’d found a group of vampires that had become her family. And even after they’d been destroyed, she’d always known that Styx would welcome her into his clan.

Maybe every creature craved the feeling of belonging to somebody.

“Did she find him?” she asked.

“No. She eventually gave up and was on her way back to the Oasis.” His jaw tightened, curls of smoke dancing over his body. A sure sign he was struggling to contain his temper. “But before she could return to me, she was captured.”

“Who could capture a pureblooded jinn?”

“A vampire.”

Sofie snapped her brows together, genuinely confused. Vampires were at the top of the food chain, but a jinn possessed the sort of powerful magic that made most leeches avoid them. And even if they were stupid enough to try to capture one, the jinn could turn to smoke and escape.


Ryshi struggled to contain his fury. “All she could remember was being in a large cavern when a vampire appeared. She said that she turned into her jinn form to flee, but he possessed a magical container that he trapped her in.”

Sofie studied his hard features. “A genie in a bottle? I thought that was a myth.”

“Most myths have some truth at the heart of them.”

There was an edge in his voice that warned he didn’t like giving away the secrets of the jinn. Not even to his mate. She didn’t blame him. Every species was careful to disguise their weaknesses.

It was all about survival.

“So where is the container?” she asked, not pressing for a more detailed explanation of what was involved in sucking a jinn into a bottle and how it was sealed to contain them.

They had an eternity to learn more about each other.

“She doesn’t know.”

Sofie shoved herself out of Ryshi’s arms, turning to face him as the truth hit her like a lightning bolt. She’d known that his excuse of searching for rare items had been a lie.

“That’s why you’ve been searching the lairs of vampires. You’re looking for the container.”


A surge of satisfaction raced through Sofie at finally knowing Ryshi’s motivation for creeping in and out of lairs despite the danger. Now she could concentrate on helping him locate his missing sister.

“Did she tell you anything about the vampire?”

“He was big.”

She rolled her eyes. “Not helpful.”

Ryshi furrowed his brow, as if dredging through his memories for what Zena told him.

“She did say something about long greasy hair and crazy eyes,” he finally said with a shrug. “But I assumed she was exaggerating because she was infuriated at being trapped.”

Sofie’s spine stiffened. She didn’t think it was an exaggeration. In fact, she was betting she knew exactly who had captured Zena.

“The Anasso,” she muttered.

Ryshi sent her a puzzled glance. “I’ve seen Styx. He might be an arrogant pain in the ass, but he’s never greasy and his eyes are spooky, not crazy.”

A shiver inched down her spine. After Styx had rescued her, he’d taken her back to his clan, which had been traveling through Siberia. She’d assumed that Styx was the chief, considering he had enough power to make the earth quake beneath his steps. Instead, she’d found herself being introduced to a male who had created the position of Anasso, King of the Vampires.

At the time, she’d been reluctant to get too close to the male. Certainly he was powerful and he had claimed the loyalty of those around him, but there’d been a sour scent in the air. As if there was something rotting beneath the surface.