Page 91 of Sate the Darkness

“Why must you be so stubborn?”

Her mouth dropped open in disbelief. “Me? You think I’m stubborn?”

“Oui. You.” Levet pointed an accusing claw in her face. “Exploring strange holes that appear in the wall is the duty of your warriors, not you.”

Inga jutted her chin to a defiant angle. “I’m not going to ask my people to do anything that I wouldn’t do myself.”

“See? Stubborn.” Levet held up his hands in defeat. “What is the point of being the queen?”

“To lead.”


Rolling her eyes in resignation, Inga heaved herself to her feet and glanced around the open meadow. In the distance there were a few trees and more empty fields, but they currently seemed to be alone in this section of the labyrinth. Levet didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing.

“How could the minotaurs create a gateway into my castle?” Inga asked. “The shields should have prevented it from forming.”

“The magic belongs to a goddess.”

Inga widened her eyes. “A goddess opened the gateway?”

“Her servants.”

“Oh. Why?”

Levet waved his hands in an airy motion. “Because they believe I am a god.”

Inga blinked, looking as if she was certain that she’d misunderstood him. “Excuse me?”

Levet tried and failed to look modest. After all, it wasn’t as if he was mistaken for a god every day.

“It is a very long and boring story,” he said, hoping to avoid revealing the details. Inga wasn’t going to be pleased when she discovered there’d been strippers involved. “But a seer had a vision that I would arrive and halt the darkness that is consuming their homeland.”


Levet scowled at the shock in her voice. “Why are you surprised? I am a powerful demon with many skills.”

“Agreed, but you don’t have a connection to the minotaurs, do you?”

Ah, her surprise was caused by his lack of a relationship to the bull-folk, not disbelief that he could be a god.

“Non, not that I know of.”

“Then why you?”

“I am not certain.” Levet shrugged, repeating the words that the minotaur had used to explain the prophecy. “The seer sees what she sees. Which is a lot of sees…”

“Hmm.” Inga didn’t appear to be satisfied with his answer, but she didn’t press. Instead, she once again glanced around the grassy field. “Then why me?”

“The minotaurs had been spying on me. I do not know for how long.” Levet shivered in outrage. It was creepy to think they’d been watching him to discover his various weaknesses. “They realized that you were important to me and that I would do whatever they asked to keep you safe.”

Inga made a strangled sound, as if someone had punched her in the belly. “I’m important to you?”

Levet tilted his head, baffled by the ridiculous question. “How could you ever doubt it?”

“I…” Her words died on her lips as Inga tilted back her head. “What is that?”

“Nothing.” Levet’s tail twitched with impatience as he stepped toward the towering female. For what felt like forever he’d been waiting for Inga to admit that she cared about him. And every time some disaster arrived to interrupt them. “Tell me what you were about to say.”