Page 64 of Sate the Darkness

Like the Arctic. Or a desert. Maybe Vegas…

Wiggling her nose, Bertha was suddenly conscious of the dry scent of scales that laced the pollen-ladened air.

“Why do I smell reptiles?” she asked.

Walking beside her, Hades nodded toward the thin male who was leading them toward the center of the cavern.

“Many of Gaia’s servants can take the shape of a snake,” he informed her in soft tones.

Snakes? Bertha was instantly intrigued. She’d never encountered a creature who could become any sort of reptile.

“Are they venomous?”

“Lethal,” he assured her. “Even to demons.”

Hmm. She was still intrigued, but her curiosity was mixed with a new sense of caution. She wasn’t eager to be bitten by a venomous reptile. It seemed like a nasty way to die.

“You should probably try not to piss her off,” she generously warned her companion.

Hades jerked his head toward her, his expression one of disbelief. “If anyone is going to piss her off, it’s not going to be me.”

Bertha blinked, baffled by his implication that she might cause trouble. “Are you suggesting that I’m annoying?”

“You do have a tendency to speak your mind,” he said in dry tones.

Bertha remained baffled. “Why shouldn’t I? I have a very fine mind.”

“Agreed. But while I appreciate your frankness, there are some gods who prefer to have lesser beings treat them with a…fawning devotion.”

The scent of granite cut through the heavy perfume of wildflowers. “Did you call me a lesser being?”

“To Gaia that’s what you are.”

“And to you?” The words were forced between clenched teeth.

“You already know I find you sheer perfection.”

“Oh.” The swelling anger abruptly drained away, like the air from a pricked balloon. It was replaced by a sappy, goofy sensation of pleasure. “You are getting very good at that.”

“I’m trying.” Flames danced in his eyes as he allowed his gaze to slide over her. Then the fire was quenched and his features were tightening with something that might have been apprehension. “We’re approaching Gaia’s private lair,” he said, his jaw clenched. “Be careful.”

She shrugged at the silly suggestion. “I’m always careful.”

“You’renevercareful,” he muttered, coming to a halt as the servant turned and pointed toward Bertha.

“On your knees,” he hissed.

Bertha’s lips parted to tell the male exactly what he could do with his command, only to snap shut when she caught sight of Hades’s smoldering glare. He didn’t have to speak to warn her that this wasn’t the time or place to assert her independence. Not if she was going to get the help she needed from Gaia.

With stiff reluctance, she sank to her knees and bowed her head. Out of the corner of her eye she watched as the plants parted and an exquisite female appeared, a halo of golden light surrounding her.

At first it was hard to make out any distinguishing features through the blazing power, but Bertha thought she could see a mass of golden curls and moss-green eyes as well as a curvaceous form that was barely covered by a silver toga as she glided to stand directly in front of Hades.

“At last,” she breathed, her glow reaching out to surround the male. “I have waited an eternity for this moment.”

“Gaia.” Hades offered a stiff nod. “As beautiful as ever.”

The goddess chuckled, stretching her arms over her head and practically shoving her large boobs into Hades’s face. “Of course I am. I just awakened from a most refreshing nap.” Slowly she lowered her arms. “Would you like to know what I dreamed?”