Page 51 of Sate the Darkness

“A feast?” he demanded.


The male did another loud clap. Levet’s lips parted to protest, but before he could speak, the sound of harsh screams echoed through the air. Levet snapped his wings back, peering over the edge. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected. It sounded like someone was being ripped apart by a feral hellhound. What came into view was a female minotaur wearing a long white gown. There were two large minotaurs on either side of her who had their hands wrapped around her arms to drag her down the narrow pathway. They weren’t having an easy time of it. The female was trying to kick and bite and scratch her companions. Not to mention continuing her ear-piercing screams as they headed toward the center of the garden.

“She is not happy.” Levet pointed out the obvious. “Perhaps she would be quiet if they released her.”

The male next to him folded his arms over the considerable width of his chest.

“We can’t.”

“Why not?”

“The darkness must be fed.”

Fed? Levet was confused. He’d said there wasn’t going to be a feast. So how could they feed the hole?

“Does she intend to scream at it until it closes?”

“You will see.”

The male’s expression was grim as he watched the female being tossed on top of the rock and the surrounding minotaurs moving forward to swiftly tie her down with thick ropes.

His first instinct had been right, Levet acknowledged silently. This was going to be bad. Really, really bad.

“Um…to be honest, I do not care to see,” he said, his tail twitching as his claws dug into the railing of the balcony. The female continued to fight as her wrists and ankles were bound to the table, the sour scent of her terror thick in the air. “Please stop this.”

“Only you can stop it.” The male turned to face Levet, pointing toward the sky. “Close the hole.”


“You are the god, not me,” the male snapped. “Use your magic.”

Levet’s mouth went dry. He had always been the underdog. The plucky hero that no one believed in. That was the position he felt most comfortable in. Not being a god.

Having someone put so much pressure on him was giving him performance anxiety.

Still, the poor female continued to scream, and he had a horrifying fear that she was about to sacrificed if he didn’t do something.

“I do not believe my fireballs will do much good, but I suppose I could try.”

He glanced toward his companion, secretly hoping the male would tell him not to bother. When the minotaur continued to stare at him with an expectant expression, Levet swallowed a sigh and lifted his hands.

Who knew? Perhaps in this particular dimension he was a god. And perhaps his magic would be as majestic as he’d always imagined it was supposed to be. Stranger things had happened.

Puffing out his chest in a pretense of courage, Levet gathered his magic and released it in one powerful surge. Thankfully, two impressively large fireballs formed, dancing just above his head. Not bad, he silently congratulated himself. Not bad at all.

They hadn’t exploded. Or set the fortress on fire. And best of all, the minotaurs below had stopped what they were doing to watch him with varying degrees of wonderment.

Just maybe he was a god….

Feeling far more confident than he had a few seconds before, Levet gave a dramatic gesture of his arms to send the fireballs soaring toward the sky. They sizzled loudly as they traveled upward, leaving behind tiny trails of sparks. Like a comet streaking toward the heavens.

Levet could hear the soft oohs and aahs from the gathered crowd as his magic aimed straight for the hole. He wanted to ooh and aah himself. They were quite impressive. Levet tried to stay humble, even when he was yet again saving the world. He would allow the minstrels to sing of his great deeds. If only he could find one who was worthy of his story.

He was busy forming the precise words of glory that he wanted in the first verse of his epic ballad when the balls began to wobble. Understandable, he assured himself. They’d traveled a long distance. There was bound to be a wobble. Or two.

Maybe three…