Page 72 of Last Chance Plans

“I don’t want this man to come clean, run for governor, and abuse more people.”

“He won’t. His father-in-law was outraged when he finally realized he’d been tricked several times, and that his daughter had been abused by her husband. Now, Chloe is suing him for divorce, custody of their fourteen-year-old son, and half of their possessions. By the time she’s done with him, he’ll be begging for money.”

“Something interesting you may like to know,” Brian added. “We found out that it was Chloe who leaked the article to the Miami Tribune. She confided tidbits to a friend whose husband is a reporter to trigger the fireworks and get everyone riled up enough to start some activity. She said that seeing you gave her the courage to act.”

Madison spun toward him and grumbled. “She’d better stay away.”

Suppressing a grin at his sweet fiancée’s display of jealousy, Rick surveyed his audience. “So, where do we stand now?”

“Ben is signing the apology letter we’ve prepared. It’ll be published in the Miami and Lexington newspapers. Once his wife gets done with him, he’ll be finished. Do you need anything else?”

“We want to get married as soon as possible, next Sunday,” Madison said.

Heron smiled his approval. “I’d love to be invited.”

Madison shook her head. “Sorry. It’ll be a no-guests wedding at the church, but we’ll plan a large reception in a few months for all our friends, coworkers, and Rick’s staff. You’ll be our first guests.” She hugged them. “I can’t thank you enough for resolving this case and giving us peace of mind.”


“It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding,” Madison declared in a threatening tone at the dinner table Saturday night.

To the boys’ delight, she spent the night in their room on the couch, telling them stories about her traveling before they all fell asleep together on the couch in their room.

Rick promised he would stay away all morning. He’d had a ton of bad luck in the past and certainly didn’t need any more. Around ten, he vacated his room and went to the airport to meet his mother and drive straight to the church.

“Maria, the limousine is coming at 11:30. Make sure the boys are in their suits and neatly combed by eleven,” she reminded the nanny before locking herself in Rick’s room and brushing her hair down her back and shoulders. Instead of a veil, she pinned a white hibiscus flower above her left ear. After checking herself in the mirror, she slipped on her wedding gown.

She’d chosen a short, lace dress, with bell sleeves for the noon ceremony, clasped her new necklace around her neck, and wore her diamond earrings.

Last month’s events had exhausted her emotionally. Relieved to see Rick cleared of false accusations, she couldn’t wait to marry him. After witnessing her cousin’s grip on Rick’s shoulders and her bold kiss at the Christmas party, Madison had avoided Chloe, carefully denying her any chanceto play the victim, or request Rick’s protection and take advantage of hisgood heart.

A free woman, now that Ben had announced he wouldn’t run for governor and had agreed to the divorce, Chloe had kept repeating that she’d never stopped loving Rick. Knowing her cousin’s taste for the theatrical, Madison preferred to play it safe and refused to invite her to the wedding.

A knock on her door interrupted her somber musings. “Madison dear, are you ready?”

Her parents had arrived, and the limousine was waiting.

She took a deep breath and opened the door.

“You look gorgeous, sweetie.” Her father kissed her cheek. “Let’s go.”

They settled inside the limousine with the children and their nanny.

When the church organist began to play, Rick turned and smiled at the sight of Mark and Michael, each holding a candle, walking toward him. Madison followed on her father’s arm, carrying a bouquet of white roses and baby’s breath.

With only his mother and her parents present, the ceremony lasted no more than a few minutes.

The pastor asked them the traditional questions, and Rick slipped a magnificent ring on her finger. “With this ring, I thee marry …”

Her eyes wide-open, she stared at him. “This is not—”

“Yes, babe. It’s the ring you chose.” He winked. “Except three carats bigger.”

“Please, repeat after me,” the pastor prompted. “With this ring, I thee marry …”

“Huh, yes …”

They exchanged vows.