Page 69 of Last Chance Plans

He didn’t answer.

“Rick, wake up. Listen to me.”

Finally, he opened his eyes a crack. “Why aren’t you asleep? It’s still 5 a.m., and we’re not working today.”

“I said we have things to do.” She sat on her knees and held his hands. “We’re going to buy my engagement ring and then stop by City Hall to get our marriage license.”

“A marriage license? Today?” Suddenly, he was wide awake and bolted up, reclining against the headboard.

“Yes, I’m not waiting. We’ll marry in the local church in a week’s time with only the kids and Maria present. Maybe your lawyers as witnesses.”

“Babe, I’ll be delighted to get married right away. But I can’t imagine not inviting my mother or your parents.”

“We’ll have a big reception later. And I’m moving into your place as of today.”

He jerked up, staring at her.

“Seriously? You’re moving in here today? That’s great. Okay, I love you, and I like your program for the day.” He grinned and caught her in his arms. “I’m wide-awake now.”

“Nope. I’m going to the children’s room to sleep on the couch.”

“Come on, babe. You didn’t wake me up just to leave me alone.”

She laughed. “Yes, for the last time. Tonight, I’ll have yourring on my finger, and I’ll stay in your bed.”


Following Madison’s schedule, they left the children with their nanny and ran their errands, returning home after lunch. The marriage license and the velvet pouch in his pocket, Rick relaxed, extremely satisfied with his morning and Madison’s eagerness to get married and live with him. His phone rang as he was changing into shorts to take the family on a boat ride.

“Lambert, why did you meddle in our investigation?” George Heron barked without bothering with salutations.

“What do you mean?”

“Haven’t you read the article in the Miami Tribune? Why did you leak news to the press?”

“Hold on, Heron.” Scowling, Rick dropped on the edge of his bed. “I didn’t leaked any information or talked to anyone. Explain yourself.”

“The article attacks Ben Randall, saying that his son is probably not his, and that he falsified the boy’s birth certificate. It also shows a picture of you and Mrs. Chloe Randall kissing at a party two days ago.”

“Damn it, I had nothing to do with that article.”

“The article was an attack on Chloe’s reputation. It upset her father so much, he’s asked to have the case of assault and rape against you reopened.”

Rick fisted his fingers. “Damn the old bastard.”

“Relax. We’ll look into the article and the reopening of the case. Maybe this could be to our advantage,” the lawyer mused in a calmer tone.

Cursing, Rick wondered if Madison would blast his head and change her plans after hearing about the article, seeing the picture, and hearing about this new development in the case. But when he told her, she just shrugged. “We’re getting married andto hell with your past history.”

“Thank you, babe.” He pulled her against him and kissed her—and heard Michael giggling.

“Listen, boys.” Huffing, he turned to face his sons. “Madison and I are getting married very soon. I love her. When you love someone, you kiss them, right?

“Right,” they said together and giggled some more.

“And you like the person sleeping with you, right?”

“Right. Is she—”