Page 53 of Last Chance Plans

“No problem, dear.” Arlene patted her hand. “We’ll have your parents, too. I’ll be delighted to meet them. You’ll give me their phone number, and I’ll call when they arrive. Meanwhile, please convey my invitation.”

“Mom’s right, Madison. We’ll be happy to meet yourparents, and celebrate Thanksgiving with them.”

“All right, I’ll call them tonight. I’m sure you’ll see a lot of them. They’re staying until mid-February.”

“So that’s settled. When’s your next shift?” Rick asked.

“Tomorrow, I’m flying to Dallas and Mexico City early in the morning and returning later in the evening.”

Rick huffed. “Why don’t you send me your schedule by email? I’ll stop bothering you with questions.”

She chuckled. “Okay, I will, but it can change at the last minute.”

After lunch, they played in the yard and swam in the pool, setting the worried puppy on a floatie and slowly gliding him around.

“Try not to drown the poor thing,” Rick warned his kids.

Mark nodded. “We’re very careful, Dad.”

“What a difference between today and two days ago.” He exhaled. “I hope we can finally start a normal life.”

Nothing was normal about Madison’s life, either. In the last two months, she’d dealt with more problems, headaches, and sleepless nights than in the previous ten years, but she’d also experienced more passion and joy. Darn, she wouldn’t change a thing now.

Why worry about old secrets? Who didn’t have a few skeletons in their closets? She’d secured the love of a special man and his children’s affection. There was no reason to stir up trouble and mess with their cozy arrangement and happy life.

Not wanting to interfere in the children’s bedtime routine, Madison returned home after dinner. Maybe it was time to show him she trusted him, even if he hadn’t shared his past with her.

When Rick arrived around eight, she handed him a key chain. “The big one allows you to open the underground garage and avoid checking in with the front desk. When you drive in, turn right and park in number 33, right next to my car. Theowner’s rarely here and allows me to use his spot for my guests.”

“Thank you, babe. You can be sure I’d never come before calling you first.” He gathered her into his arms, proving by his kisses that he hadn’t lied about his feelings.

Over the next few days, Madison’s condo became their love nest and Rick’s mansion their family gathering place. In her condo, they were lovers, giving in to their passion. In his house, they behaved as best friends, fiercely protecting the children, hugging or shaking hands when she arrived, but avoiding any sign of intimacy.

Chapter Fifteen

For the first time since moving to Fort Lauderdale, Madison had mixed feelings about her parents’ annual winter visit to Florida. Luckily, their condo was in a different building, a block away. There was no chance they would run into Rick in her garage or elevator, which would create an awkward situation for her.

Laura and Walter Howell gladly accepted Arlene’s invitation for Thanksgiving dinner. Having explained the family dynamic—Grandma raising the motherless children, while Dad worked—Madison picked them up at two o’clock for their first visit. The location and sight of the Lambert house drew exclamations of surprise.

“Some friends you have here, Maddy,” her father said. “What a pity these kids live in a mansion but without a mother.”

Arlene received them with open arms and led them to the sumptuous living room decorated with the lit, carved pumpkins the boys had prepared. Various platters of appetizers sat on the cocktail table, and the aroma of warm cider and cinnamon wafted around them.

“Madison told me she was born in Lexington, Ky. We lived there, too, until my daughter married and settled in Cincinnati. I came to Fort Lauderdale to be with my son and grandchildren.”

“We moved to Cleveland when Madison was still in school,” Laura specified. “Maybe that’s why we’ve never met in the past.” She handed Arlene an orchid plant. “I have toys for the children.” She lifted the gift bags in her hand.

“Here they come with their father.”

Smashing in his navy pants and a similarly colored, buttoned-down shirt, Rick walked towards them, flanked by the boys. They were such a handsome trio that Madison’s heartswelled with pride.

“Mr. and Mrs. Howell, pleased to meet you. I’m Rick Lambert.” Rick extended his hand, his charismatic smile and devilish dimples greeting his guests better than words as he shook hands with her parents.

Madison took one look at her mother’s brighter eyes and her father’s huge grin and knew Rick had earned their approval on the spot.

Neatly combed, in similar dark green shorts and beige polo shirts, the boys were adorable. They hugged her and shook hands with their guests. Laura handed them each a gift bag. They immediately opened them withthank yousqueals as they dug out a fire truck for Michael and a bulldozer for Mark.

For a change, the puppy was out of sight.