Page 4 of Last Chance Plans

“A tour?” Arlene scoffed. “Can you hear yourself? You’re talking likeLord Lambertagain.”

“You think so? Let me try again. Would you like to visit the premises, dear Mother?” he said, imitating a British accent.

They both burst out laughing.

Rick was relieved that his mother didn’t sound bitter after their long separation and the many secrets he’d kept from her. She’d forgiven him and had maintained her sense of humor. If only he could forgive himself and stop hating those responsible for his self-imposed exile.

From the sumptuous living room and formal dining room, they entered the huge but comfortable family room with its stone fireplace, something they would probably never use in Florida, and moved on to the cozy breakfast area and ultra modern kitchen.

“I love this kitchen,” Arlene exclaimed. “I’ll make all of your favorite food.”

Staring at the woman who had loved him unconditionally and defended him against all odds, he knew she would spoil him rotten. She’d already started to do so during the month she’d visited his penthouse in Dubai, a condo bigger than the Lexington house in which he grew up. He hoped she would transfer her incredible reserves of love to the grandchildren shehadn’t met yet.

Repressing a sigh, he added, “There’s also a bedroom suite on the first floor with a full bathroom.”

“Why first floor?” His mother arched her eyebrows. “I can still climb the stairs as you know.”

“Of course, and if you get tired at the end of the day, you can use the elevator.”

“An elevator inside a house? What a useless expense.”

Would she ever get used to the idea he wasn’t a twenty-year-old running away from false accusations and nasty gossip?

“Mom, I’m a self-made billionaire now. Believe me, I can afford to stop counting pennies. Even better, I can provide you with whatever you wish and give my children the best education in the best schools in Switzerland or England.”

“Best education ... with loving parents ...”

He barely heard her grumbled words and decided to ignore them. He led her to the elevator and opened the door to the two-person cabin.

“Go in. You’ll see.”

Amused by her shocked expression, he pushed the button. The elevator moved up and stopped on the second landing. From there, they strolled through and scanned the six bedrooms. He insisted she select one of the two master suites for herself.

She stepped out onto a balcony which faced the Intracoastal. “Oh my Lord, I didn’t realize this place was located on the main waterway. Back when we used to travel to Florida for summer vacation, we rode in a water taxi, and the guide would tell us the stories of the mansions on the water, those belonging to movie stars and big wigs. Is this one of those?

He shrugged. “Maybe, but it’s been renovated. I can look up its history if you like.”

“No need. I’ll do it myself. You’re going to be very busyearning enough money to pay for this place and support your family.”

“I wouldn’t have bought it if I couldn’t pay for it. What do you think I’ve been doing for the past thirteen years?” He snorted, always bitter when he remembered those days. “Working my butt off non-stop. It was the only way for me to survive without killing a few people. I was lucky I made the right connections along the way. Money started coming, and soon it was pouring in. Now, I want my mother to enjoy it.”

“I hope that soon you’ll have a family ... I mean a wife and kids ... I mean a real family to spoil.”

He met her blinking eyes without flinching. “I had a wife, mother. Unfortunately, Rosie is gone, but she left me with adorable children. I couldn’t be prouder of Mark and Michael. They are everything a father,anda grandmother could wish for.”

“Children need a mother, a real family—”

“Please, Mom. This subject is closed and off-limits.”

Arlene sighed and dropped into the chair in front of the cherry desk in her new room. Her hand went to her chest, patting, panic evident on her face. “Oh no, I’ve lost it.”

“Lost what?”

“My golden locket. I’ve always worn it.” Her eyes glimmered.

He remembered her fiddling with her locket, a nervous gesture she’d never been able to control.

“I lost the locket and …” Her voice wobbled. “And my two most precious pictures.”