Page 42 of Last Chance Plans

“I told Randy. He’ll pay for that.”

“You see,” Randy snapped.

“Continue, Michael.”

“Mr. Scott gave us a math assignment. When I went to put mine on the side table, Cody followed me, and scribbled on it. Later, Mr. Scott kept me in class to do the assignment again neatly.”

“Is that true, Mr. Scott?”

“Yes, I couldn’t accept such a dirty paper.”

“Michael, you didn’t tell him that it wasn’t you who dirtied the paper?” Madison asked, her brow furrowed.

“I tried, but he said, ‘Just do what I tell you to do.’ And then I was late for recess. When I went outside, Randy and Cody came after me and laughed. They sang, ‘dirty paper, dirty boy’. I said, ‘stop or you’ll regret it.’”

“Cody said,‘No you’ll regret coming to our school. Go away. Go away.’He pushed me. I pushed him back. Randy came and punched me. I punched him back. They fell on me hitting and punching. I fell and screamed, calling for Mark.”

“Not true. We fell, and he hit us,” Randy said.

“Quiet. Don’t interrupt. You had your turn. Mark, continue,” Dr. Sayers ordered.

“I heard Michael calling me. I ran. He was on the ground crying and covering his head with his hands. I punched Randy until he fell. Cody was about to run. I grabbed him and pushed him until he fell, and I pulled Michael up. Cody called Mr. Scott. I ran away and hid to call my father, and then Ms. Madison.”

“I see.” Dr. Sayers surveyed the people at the table. “You were all in the wrong.”

“What?” the Sanders and Andersons shouted.

“These bullies are in the wrong, not my boys.” Madison crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at the principal.

“Randy and Cody, you’ll be on detention for three days, after school from 3 to seven, doing extra work.”

“No way,” Mr. Sanders protested. “Problems started after these two foreigners joined the school. We’ve never had such a situation before.”

“They think they’re smarter. They answer all the questions,” Randy said, with a jealous pout.

“Of course.” Michael shrugged. “They were easy questions, and I knew the answers.”

“They say we’re dumb,” Cody spat.

“I’ve never said that,” Michael protested, with tears in his eyes.

“They belittle their classmates and are trying to humiliate them.” Mr. Anderson banged on the table. “These kids have to be expelled.”

“My boys won’t stay another hour in a school where they are bullied by their classmates and mistreated by their teachers, like Mr. Scott. I’m withdrawing them from here.” Madison stood and grabbed Mark and Michael’s hands. “Come on, buddies. We’re going home. I’ll explain everything to your father.” Her head held high, she walked to the door, and paused, throwing over hershoulder, “Dr. Sayers, Mr. Lambert will expect a report with his sons’ grades for the time spent in your school.” She stepped out of the conference room, rushing to the door. She needed to get outside so that she could breathe.

“Daddy will be mad at us,” Michael cried.

“No, buddy. I’ll explain everything.” She hugged him until he stopped crying.

“Thank you for saving me, Ms. Madison.” Michael sniffled. “I thought they were going to hit me ‘til I died.”

“I’d never let anyone hurt you.” She ruffled his hair and held his hand. “Now, let’s go for pizza and ice cream.”

“Seriously?” Mark’s eyes widened. “Thank you, Ms. Madison. You’re the best.”

“Hold on a sec. Let me send a text to your dad.” She thumbed on her phone.

I’m leaving the school with Mark and Michael. Principal wanted to expel them. Unfair. Boys badly shaken. I insisted he send their grade report. Going for pizza and ice cream on the boardwalk. I’ll stay with them until you come home.