Page 30 of Last Chance Plans

“Miami-Paris is one of my usual routes. So no problem there.”

They’d finished eating. Madison thumbed on her phone. “I am texting you the info. You should make the reservations as soon as possible.”

“I’ll do it right now.”

“And I’ll confirm my agreement to work those flights.”

Meanwhile Arlene brought out an apple pie and some vanilla ice cream. “Help yourself when you’re done. I’m going upstairs.” She left them alone as she had the previous times Madison had dined with them.

“All done.” Rick stood and moved his phone close to hers. “Let’s compare notes and make sure all our data matches. I don’t want to end up in Singapore while you’re having fun in Paris alone.”

“Paris without you? It wouldn’t be fun.” Madison chuckled and checked the information. “Everything matches. We’re all set.”

They ate dessert and cleared the table.

“Ready for a swim?”

She nodded, peeled off her top, and lowered her shorts.

“All right, babe. This is the first time I see you in a bikini. You’re gorgeous.”

“Don’t make me blush.” Without waiting for him, she dove into the pool.

He dimmed the lights on the patio, leaving the pool in darkness under a blanket of stars. Planning a perfect setting for a romantic swim, he loaded a tray with bottles of amaretto and Grand Marnier and a few glasses, and set them on the pool’s ledge. Next, he piled beach towels near the steps and then swam toward his lovely guest.

They swam several laps, enjoying a healthy stretch and paused at the side.

“How do you like swimming under the stars?”

“Love it.”

He pulled her against him. “I’m trying to create special memories with you.”

“We have a whole album of first-time experiences. Blazing kisses while I worked a flight. Learning to tango and burning up the sheets in Argentina. A hot man tucking me into bed after an exhausting trip, and now this.”

“Wow, I hadn’t counted all of those.” Enflamed by her reminders, he brought her tightly against him and captured her lips, invading her mouth with his impatient tongue. “Ah babe, you’re so special,” he whispered as he trailed wet kisses along her throat.

“And ready for more first experiences.” Wrapping her legs around his waist, she bit his ear. “Can you remove my bra withyour teeth?”

“Ah.” He lowered his head under water to grip her bra with his teeth and pull it down, and realized she’d shed her bikini bottom. “Oh babe, you’re unique.” He snatched his boxers off and drew her against him, his manhood poking at her core.

She wriggled against him. “Another first. Making love to the man of my dreams, in a pool at night.”

Unable to talk, he molded his lips to hers, his chest to her breasts. Holding her butt with both hands, he thrust inside her. She moaned, winding her feet behind his back and shuddered with him.

“I don’t believe in love, but I want to keep you, Rick,” she murmured against his mouth.

“I’m all yours, babe.”

“Even after your kids arrive? Even when you’ll have your whole family here?”

“You’ll be at my side, as long as you want me.”

“I’ll always want you, Rick.”

“How about a drink to celebrate our togetherness?”

“Good idea.” She eased away and let him reach the liquor tray.