Page 26 of Last Chance Plans

They spent their evening inPlaza de Mayoand took pictures in front of the May Pyramid and theCasa Rosada—the Pink House where the President of Argentina had his offices.

“For dinner, I will take you toCafe Tortoni,” Mario decided. “It’s more of a café than a restaurant. Not a big choice in the menu, but great food.”

They invited Mario to join them, but he adamantly refused. In the historical café, they sat at a table for two under the Tiffanyglass ceiling and each ordered steak and a glass of local wine.

Afterward, they went into the back room to watch the tango presentation and take more pictures.

An hour later, Madison checked her watch. “It’s time to leave.”

Mario drove them to the airport, and Rick tipped him generously.

“Come again,señor y señorita.”

“Hopefully, one of these days, we will.” Madison had a nostalgic smile on her lips. “We had a wonderful time here.”

After they passed passport control and security, they headed toward the gates.

“Rick, I have to go to the crew lounge and change. I’ll see you on the plane. Thank you for a fabulous time.”

“I’m the one who should thank you.” He pulled her against him and crushed her mouth with a blazing kiss, then held her against him. “Madison, babe, this is only the beginning for us.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips. “Go. I’ll see you on the plane.”

Rick strode over to the elite lounge and relaxed in a comfortable chair until they announced the flight. He lined up and boarded with the first-class passengers. Adorable and so professional in her uniform, her hair pulled into a bun, Madison greeted him. “Welcome aboard.” She checked his boarding pass. “You’re on the left. I’ll be around to serve drinks soon.”

Impatient to see her again, he kept his gaze fixed on the exit to the galley. Finally, she stood by his seat. “Sorry it took so long. We have a full plane, with a sick passenger requiring more attention. What can I get you?”

“Nothing. Don’t worry about me. I won’t put any pressure on you.”

She shrugged. “It’s my job.”

“Still, I don’t need anything. I wish I could help you.”

“Okay. See you later.” She smiled, her stretched lips betraying her stress, and returned to the galley. He saw her going back and forth continuously, serving passengers.

When the captain announced the take off, she stayed in the galley, but soon returned to serve the cocktails, distribute the menus, and collect the orders, and again to bring dinner.

Three hours after takeoff, the plane shook and jolted. Squiggling along the aisle, both flight attendants had already cleared the tray tables and prepared several beds for the long flight. Rick had asked Madison to leave his until the end.

The pilot’s voice came over the loud speaker, “Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We’re experiencing some heavy turbulence.”

Madison continued to fix the bed for the passenger behind Rick. The plane bounced, throwing her forward. Rick cast his arm across the aisle, blocking her fall. Her fingers clutched his shoulder as she straightened.

“Thanks. You saved my bones.” She chuckled nervously.

“Can I help you with the beds?”

“No, please. You’re not allowed to move from your place. I can get into trouble if you do.”

“Okay.” He nodded and huffed.

“We’ll be over this area soon.”

In fact, the bumps and jolts decreased and stopped, and the jet stabilized, providing a smooth ride once more. Madison stopped by his side. “We’re back to normal.”

He unbuckled his belt, stood, and swiftly reclined his seat into a flat position. While he watched, Madison shook out the sheet and made the bed.

“I wish you could lie down with me,” he murmured.

“Miss, miss, please,” the man behind him called. “I need help.”