Page 59 of Last Chance Plans

Madison dropped her fork, eyes widening.

“Shh,” Mark ordered. “Dad said not to talk about this before he does.”

“Okay, Daddy, don’t forget. You promised.”

“Promised what?” Madison’s gaze flipped from Michael to him.

“It’s a secret,” Michael explained with a big grin. “We can’t tell you before Daddy tells you.”

“I see. Ready to go now? Pick up your backpack. I’ll go upstairs and gather my things to go home after I drive them.”

“Madison, I’ll come home early tonight.”

“Then, I won’t stay the night.”

“On the contrary, we’ll have dinner all together. The boys insist we put them to bed together for a change, before Nanny comes tomorrow.”

She nodded.

“Don’t worry about dinner. We’ll order pizza.”


Her routine preparations finished for her next day’s trip to London, Madison left her packed carry-on in the living room and grabbed her overnight bag for one more night with the Lambert children—and their daddy for a change.

She picked them up at school, drove them to soccer practice, and then home, tired and starving. Rick had just arrived. “The pizza delivery boy is on his way. Wash your hands and come to the kitchen.”

After a joyful dinner with many stories about school, friends, and soccer, an hour of homework, followed by their shower, the boys were finally tucked into bed with Rick and Madison at their sides, but Michael bolted up.

“You’re not sleeping on the couch, Ms. Madison?”

“I am.”

Mark pointed to her sweat suit. “You’re not wearing your pink pajamas.”


“Good observation, Mark.” Rick chuckled and mussed his hair. “Why don’t you go put on your pink pajamas?”

She glared at him. “You—”

“I’m wearing the flannel pants and t-shirt I usually sleep in. We’ll wait for you.”

With a sigh, she ran to the guest bathroom where she’d left her bag and changed.

The boys grinned. “Now, we’re all ready to sleep together,” Michael said.

Heat flushed her cheeks, and their father’s eyes gleamed with warmth.

During his night prayer, Michael murmured, “We pray that Mommy in heaven rests in peace and give us a real family every day.”

Madison’s jaw sagged, and her breathing practically stopped.

Rick squeezed her hand. “Your mommy in heaven is listening to your prayer, Mickey. I’m sure she’ll grant your wish.”

Madison hadn’t missed Mickey’s comments about them looking like a real family. It was the second time the boy had expressed what was his deepest wish. She blinked back her tears and read a chapter from their favorite story.

After switching off the lights, they both hugged the children and wished them goodnight.