Page 48 of Last Chance Plans

“Daddy, you’re back. Come, swim with us.”

Michael’s joyful greeting didn’t appease her. When had Rick planned on revealing that important detail from his past? Did he consider her a temporary member of his continuously changing harem? Anger swelled in her heart.

He had a few things to explain if he ever wanted to see her again. To control her frustration she swam away, hitting the water with arms and legs. By the time she reached the deep end, the Lambert males were at her side, laughing and so pleased with themselves, including their playboy father.

“We won, we won,” the boys chanted, their satisfaction mirrored in their father’s eyes.

She should take swimming lessons to improve her speed,but first she had to decide whether or not she wanted to befriend a fickle, selfish, secretive womanizer, who didn’t know the meaning of trust.

Far from calming her, the swim had turned her into a ball of fury.

“So glad to find you here, Madison, playing with my boys.”

Go to hell, to Dubai, to your harem, anywhere but near me.

She didn’t say the words, but her glare must have conveyed her thoughts. Rick lost his charming smile, and his irresistible dimples disappeared with her scornful frown.

“What’s wrong?”

She inhaled and blurted, “I’m tired. I’m going home.”

“No way. I just got here.”

Right. That’s what’s wrong.She met his gaze, her fury flashing in her eyes.

His Adam’s apple bounced up and down. “Madison, we have to talk.”

“Seriously?” Lips stretched, she spat. “Youshould havetalkedlong ago. Keep your secrets and habits. I’m done.”

“No. Please stay.” He grabbed her arms. “The boys are finally laughing, and I have good news for them.”

“What good news, Daddy?” Michael asked, his voice filled with hope.

“I met with Dr. Sayers and got your report cards. All A’s. So proud of you boys.” He ruffled their hair. “I managed to have the teachers remove their nasty comments aboutunacceptable behavior, too. I called the principal of All Saints School. Dr. Fernandez sounded like a nice lady. Tomorrow, we’ll visit together.”

“I don’t want to go, Daddy,” Michael whined. “I want to stay here with Ms. Madison.”

“Don’t worry, buddy. Everything will go smoothly. I’ll start by offering to make a large donation. Madison, can you comewith us?”

“It doesn’t make sense for me to go there.”

“Please, Madison. You recommended this school.”

She shook her head. “I’m sure you’ll do great.”

He would probably smile at Gloria Fernandez, and she would smile back, staring at his dimples, as many idiots must’ve done in the past, including herself. As soon as he offered his large donation, she would drown in her thanks and enroll his sons without any questions.

Michael threw his arms around her neck. “Please, Ms. Madison, you’re my best big friend. Please come with me. I don’t have a mommy to hold my hand,” Michael begged, tears in his eyes.

The poor boy was probably terrified at the thought of stepping inside another American school. Pity and affection erased her resentment. She couldn’t abandon the motherless boys who were not responsible for their father’s sins.

“All right, Mickey.” She hugged him back. “I’ll come with you and hold your hand. Don’t worry about a thing.”

“Thank you.” He released her neck and wiped his eyes, sniffling.

“Okay, I’ve been in the water long enough.” Madison held the rails and pulled herself up on the steps to get out of the pool. She reached for a towel and wrapped it around herself.

A hand grabbed her arm. Rick had followed her while the boys played with a ball in the pool. “Madison, I heard part of your chat with the kids. I know you’re upset. Please don’t be mad at me. I’ll come to see you tonight, and I’ll answer all of your questions.”