Page 46 of Last Chance Plans

“That would be great. Tomorrow morning, I’ll stop by Dr. Sayers’s office and get the children’s grade reports, and the day after that, I’ll visit Dr. Fernandez at All Saints School.” He exhaled and guzzled the rest of his drink. “Finally, we’re getting somewhere. Thanks, Madison. As usual, you’ve savedthis family.”

“Don’t be silly. I’m happy to help when I can.”

He pulled her against him. “Let me show you how much I appreciate your help, your assertive personality and kindness.” He trailed warm kisses on her cheek. “Your lovely face and delicious lips.” His mouth closed over hers, and his tongue played a joyful dance inside.

She responded eagerly, winding her arms around his neck.

“Your delightful body and ...” His scorching mouth skated to the V-neck of her gown, leaving a burning path on her chest and thrilling tingles in her belly. He knew how to inflame and excite her.

“Let me get you a drink.” He left her, poured two Manhattans, gave her one, and clinked his glass against hers. “To you, babe, may you always be at my side and in my arms, in my bed, or me in yours.”

She laughed. “Yours or mine ... Whichever is more practical.” She swallowed her drink, willing to forget all of her problems in his arms.

He set both glasses on the counter and tugged her to the bedroom, peeling down her lounge dress and bra. She snatched away her thong and sprawled on the bed. Her face flushed, her pulse racing, she licked her lips, watching him rid himself of his own clothes. She loved his body, his large chest, rippling with muscles, his flat belly, and strong legs.

As if reading her thoughts, he stretched next to her, and lavished her with kisses and caresses, her moans expressing her appreciation, her fingers and lips giving him the same attention, until he thrust into her, and they both shuddered and collapsed.

Satiated and happy, she remained pressed against him, enjoying his strokes on her throat and chest, a gentle motion that made her almost purr in satisfaction. Slowly, they drifted off in each other’s arms.

Chapter Thirteen

When Madison awoke early the next morning, Rick had already left. A sticky note on her counter got her attention.

See you later.

A heart surrounded the few words. She smiled at the childish and cute message, and texted him.

I’m spending the day with the children.

A moment later, Arlene called to invite her for breakfast with the kids. “They want to swim this morning so bring your bathing suit.”

Dressed in jeans and t-shirt, her big handbag strapped to her shoulders, she drove to the Lambert’s. The kids met her with open arms and hugs and tugged her to the kitchen, where the delicious scent of bacon filled the room.

“Your grandmother’s kitchen always smells so yummy.”

Arlene smiled, her mood joyful, as she served her and the boys. “Have a seat, you guys. We have fried eggs, bacon, and French toast. Chocolate milk for the young and coffee for the adults. We had such a great afternoon yesterday.”

“Perfect.” Madison savored her coffee.

“Daddy’s boat is a beauty,” Mark said importantly. “Smaller than Prince Feisal’s yacht but so shiny. And we’ll be allowed to sleep on the boat.”

“Don’t count on me.” Arlene laughed. “Getting on and off that boat is too hard on my bones.”

“Ms. Madison, you will come, right?” Michael asked, his voice filled with eagerness.

“I’d love to come, Mickey.” She used the nickname his father had given him. “How’s your head today?” She touched his hair, noticing the bump had flattened.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore and my arm’s okay.”

“Good.” Hopefully, yesterday’s events would be soon forgotten.

When they finished eating, Madison sent them to put on their bathing suits and then helped clear the table. “They sound more relaxed than yesterday.”

“By far. They came to my room to say good morning and asked me to invite you for breakfast. Thanks to you, dear, we chatted more in the last day than we have in the last three weeks. They’re so attached to you.”

“They’re adorable.”

“And in bad need of maternal affection,” Arlene insisted.