Page 40 of Last Chance Plans

“No, I’m a close family friend.”

“Please, wait at the gate. Someone’s coming to talk to you.” A moment later, two security guards strode toward her and asked her to hand over her handbag for routine inspection. They searched it and then opened the door for her. “Your ID?”

She gave them her driver’s license.

“Do you know where Mark is?” The tall guard snapped.

“No, but I can call him,” she suggested, her voice calm.

“Please do.”

She called the number on her phone. “Mark, I’m at your school now at the gate. Come out of hiding so that I can see you.”

“I see you. I don’t want the guards to take me. I have to save Michael.”

“We’ll get Michael together. I promise I won’t leave here without you both.” She raised a threatening finger toward the guards. “Let me handle this and don’t scare the boy. He’s only ten.”

She scanned the area and called, “Mark, come out, buddy. I’m waiting for you.”

No one answered. Turning right and left, the guards surveyed the yard.

A rustling of leaves alerted her. She padded toward a bushof bougainvillea not far away and opened her arms. The guards spun and rushed behind her.

Mark dashed toward her. She reached him before the guards and embraced him, whispering, “Don’t be afraid. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

His eyes filled with tears. “Thanks, Ms. Madison. I was so scared.”

“You, young man, you’re coming with us.”

“We’re both coming.” Madison held Mark’s hand firmly.

“But Dr. Sayers said—”

“We’re coming together or leaving together. Call Dr. Sayers and tell him I want to speak to him.”

One of them talked on his phone. “You can come. Walk in front of us.”

Although she didn’t like their rude manners, Madison remained calm, walking to the door, her arm encircling Mark’s back.

As they stepped into the hallway, she murmured, “Mark, chill out. Don’t talk until I tell you to do so.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

The guards led them to the principal’s office.

“Ms. Madison,” Michael screamed and jumped off the chair against the wall to run to her. She hugged him and kept him against her, her free arm around him.


“Something hurts?” Madison examined him with concern.

“Yes, my head and my arm.”

She gently glided two fingers over his hair and felt a bump on the right side. “Oh my God, they hit you on the head.”

He pouted and nodded. “And they twisted my arm. I hate them.” He pushed his sleeve up, revealing a red circle on his wrist.

“Ms. Howell, I’m glad you came.” She finally noticed the tallman with grayish hair and gold-rimmed glasses sitting behind a desk. “I’m Dr. Sayers, the school principal.” He stood and shook hands with her. “We’ve been able to reach Mr. Lambert. Apparently, he’s out of town for the day. He’s emailed us his authorization for you to handle his children’s case.”